1 November 2021
13 April 2021
16 November 2020
3 September 2020
5 August 2020
27 February 2019
15 December 2018
22 June 2017
That {{first pic}} placement was a conscious choice, to make sure the spotify embed is visible without having to scroll down too far. Nothing wrong with going outside of convention now and again, for these two pages :)
no edit summary
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21 June 2017
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
4 June 2017
putting stub template at the top of the page
removing the original emplacement of the stub template, to prep for re-emplacing the template at the top of the page
manually forcing a stub category so that there's something to work with after the original stub emplacement is withdrawn.