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MY FIRST[[edit] | [edit source]]

My favourite[[edit] | [edit source]]

Random Pics/story line of me[[edit] | [edit source]]

Cause you know you need to hear about me as the Twelfth Doctor (None of this is true, it is a bit of randomness that was inspired by my friends)

After the Elventh Doctor was impaled by a stray stlagmite , he bid a goodbye to Amy and Rory. After a violent regeneration he transformed into the Twelfth Doctor. Shortly there after the TARDIS crashed into the front lawn of an elderly couple. After stumbling out of the TARDIS and passing out he was taken inside by the elderly couple.

He slept soundly for another eight solid hours, but was awoken by the elderly couple after letting loose small amount of his regeneration energy that so many other races craved. This brought autorons to the couple front doorstep where he was forced to fight them off while suffering severe muscle spasms. After a short battle with the Autorons he collapsed back into a coma like status. He would not wake again for another 24 hours while his regeneration completed.

Once awoken the Twelfth Doctor at first had forgotten the elderly couple as it had happened shortly after his post regeneration cycle had begun but he slowly began to remember them as time progressed. He found out that he had crashed into their front yard on December the 23rd. Causing the day to be Christmas, He spent the rest of the day with the couple celebrating the holiday while his TARDIS repaired itself after its crashed landing.

After the TARDIS was repaired the Twelfth Doctor bid a goodbye to the couple and sailed off into his TARDIS for adventures. After dealing with a plasmavore that had been roaming the streets of New York he flew off to England. Where he was reuntied with Amy and Rory. They were shocked to see him in his new incarnation especially without his bowtie. He offered to take them on a few more trips provided they wanted too. They agreed and the three of them raced off to see the universe.

Personality/Attributes[[edit] | [edit source]]

This Doctor was different from all of the others in terms of dress. Compared to Doctor's of the past who often wore very formal attire this one would rather wear a flannel jacket and jeans. Often saying he needed to look his age which was considerably younger than his Eleventh incarnation. This Doctor loved Sour Patch Kids which was different from the Jelly Babies his previous incarnation (especailly the Fourth) often craved. His sonic screwdriver looked more like the Tenth and Ninth Doctors screwdriver in comparison then the Eleventh version. His hair also returned to a shorter cut similar to the Ninth Doctor even though few actual habits or traits remained from the Ninth Doctor. He at one point sported a mohawk but a companion tied him to a chair and cut it off.