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Please see the original thread Forum:5 Things to look for in Series 5 and the summary thread Forum:5 things to look for: Overall.

This was originally proposed in Michael Downey's original thread on "5 things to look for".

  • The Eleventh Hour: There are closeups of Amy's and the Doctor's eyes, especially while they're trying to look out of the corners of their eyes to get around the perception filter. The Atraxi have a very obvious eyeball on their ship. There's a "Doctor's-eye view" with the stop-motion shots. "There's something missing... in the corner of my eye."
  • The Beast Below: The best anyone's found is the frequent references to children crying.
  • Victory of the Daleks: The new paradigm Daleks have more realistic eyestalks. There are closeups on the Daleks' eyestalks, especially one clearly showing the more-eyeballish-looking eyestalk the first time the new paradigm Daleks are shown. There are "Daleks-eye views"--those have already seen in the RTD era, but never nearly as much as in this episode.
  • The Time of Angels: "The eyes are not the windows to the soul, they're doors..." The Weeping Angels get into Amy through her eyes, after which dust runs out of her eyes. Which also of course means there are lots of closeups of Amy's eyes (although the ratings probably go up every time they show her eyes...) and the Angels' eyes.
  • Flesh and Stone: In TToA's scenes from next week, it's revealed that Amy will have to keep her eyes closed. According to Digital Spy's screencaps and teasers, the Doctor spends a lot of time looking into Amy's eyes, and an Angel is revealed inside her eye.

--Falcotron 01:32, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

The Beast Below When Liz 10 wears her mask the only part of her you can see is her eyes (yes I know she couldn;t move/walk around otherwise), also the references to noticing / not noticing thinhgs such as the water in the glasses not vibrating 06:05, April 29, 2010 (UTC)

I think the not noticing things may be separate, and was going to do a separate thread on that.

Anyway, FaS had even more about eyes than expected. Apparently, part of the reason quantum-locking was a successful evolutionary trait is that it makes everyone look at the Angels all the time, which is how they get inside people's heads. --Falcotron 07:32, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

Also see Forum:An eye watching River?. Quoting Ghadius in that thread:

In the episode Flesh and Stone, there appears to be an eye watching River Song from one of the ships monitors. The camera focuses on it a lot, and it is the only thing moving on the screen. It also emits some kind of static noise.
Interestingly, it moves in much the same way the Valtraxi [Atraxi] eye moved when searching for Prisoner Zero. River Song has also been proved to be a prisoner.

--Falcotron 11:15, May 3, 2010 (UTC)

in "Amy's choice" the creatures in the old people (forgot there names) show just a single eye. Lu-igi board

In fact, Amy even makes a point of the eyes in their mouths, and then Rory (I think--sorry, lost my notes) asks whether extra eyes are going to be popping out anywhere else.
What about VoV? I can't remember anything significant about eyes there, but there may have been something I forgot to post. Since I have to watch it again for the "There's something..." line (as if I needed an excuse:)), I'll look for it. --Falcotron 09:50, May 18, 2010 (UTC)
In Amy's Choice, when they all wake up in the tardis after crashing the campervan, their are very well timed piano (i think) notes in the background as each of them open their eyes. It's probobly nothing, but I noticed it when first watching it, so I think it's noticable enough. 08:27, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

In The Hungry Earth, there were some "Silurians'-eye" shots, but I didn't notice any particular focus on eyes themselves. The Silurians didn't even have a third eye. --Falcotron 05:48, May 23, 2010 (UTC)

And now in Cold Blood, the Doctor says the phrase "an eye for an eye". The Thirteenth Doctor 21:27, May 29, 2010 (UTC)

In Cold Blood, also: "I'm sorry I took my eye off you", after rescuing the young boy. 10:40, June 22, 2010 (UTC)

When Silurians examine humanity, they focus on eyes and heart-beat, when Amy fainted, the screen only showed her heart-beat. grabpot 01:41, June 03, 2010 (UTC)

Well that may simply be because her eyes were closed. They may have been waiting till later when she opened her eyes before they scanned them. V00D00M0NKY 00:54, June 3, 2010 (UTC)

In City of the Daleks, the Eye of Time is a major plot macguffin. In fact, I'm starting to think that all the eye hints might have been pointing at that, rather than anything in The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. Maybe the reason there are 5 things to look for is that 1 points to the finale, and 1 to each of the Adventure Games? --Falcotron 13:31, June 3, 2010 (UTC)

In Vincent and the Doctor, I didn't notice anything about eyes. Except for the usual closeups of Amy's eyes, of course, but I think that's just because when you've got an actress with eyes that beautiful, and her speciality is reaction shots, you're going to end up with lots of closeups. --Falcotron 00:00, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Vincent wiped a tear from Amy's eye 05:07, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

Erm, what about a monster that you can't see? The Thirteenth Doctor 00:23, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

And it's blind and therefore lashing out it in fear. And the doctor points to his eyes to tell Vincent to 'keep an eye' on Amy when he goes into the church alone. And the starry night stuff about Vincent seeing things differently from other people. And etc etc etc. Also, Amy was crying silently cos she didn't realise she was even crying. Oh, and also in Cold Blood, the Doctor apologised to Elliott for taking his eye off him 08:54, June 6, 2010 (UTC)

I guess I was looking for something literal, an important and plot-relevant and visual focus on the eyes, which is why I didn't count the blind/invisible monster. But, even if you skip that, Vincent wiping the tear away fits that perfectly, and the Vincent's-eye-view is exactly the same as half the early examples cited here, so... what can I say, I'm an idiot. :) --Falcotron 02:02, June 7, 2010 (UTC)
In Vincent and the Doctor, the doctor talks about all the artists he's 'helped' including picasso, and says "Concentrate Pablo, it's one eye either side of the face" It's probobly not a relevant peice of dialogue but it has the word eye in it if your interested...
Sorry, no idea if I've spelt Pablo right... 09:22, June 12, 2010 (UTC)
Just a wild thought so bear with me... what if in TEH, the eye that comes out of the crack isn't the Atraxi's, but the Doctor's? Hence all that closeup focus on how the Doctor's/Amy's eyes move and shift when theyre looking around. And hence, perhaps, the message communicated via psychic paper? Theres probably something obviously wrong with that i'm forgetting about, but from my view now there's nothing to necessarily prove that the voice = the eye when the crack is first opened. 15:51, June 22, 2010 (UTC)
In TPO, Vincent is described as a VISIONary. 07:31, June 23, 2010 (UTC)
wouldnt all the eyes references point to something we have to see, i mean the doctor himself said it on thebeast below. "look arround, every detail". i think that there are hints for the end in every episode. like the shadow on the window of amy pond in the eleventh hour. or the request to remember in flesh and blood. even the weirdmesage amy gave herself.
Did any of you see the massive burning eye in the sky in the big bang? Who7 17:01, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
No, I missed that, where was it ;-) ? But seriously, "We are in the EYE of the storm" was mentioned a few times. 19:06, June 27, 2010 (UTC)
When they went onto the roof and saved river, look at the burning sky ! Who7 17:01, June 30, 2010 (UTC)