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I'm a fan of Doctor Who. I think Matt Smith is the best Doctor because his performance is very eccentric, manic, and energetic, but with an ancient sadness about him. My favorite Dalek ever is the Dalek Supreme of the New Paradigm, a) because he looks very imperial with his white color, and b) because he's smart enough to outwit the Doctor twice! I think the David Banks Cyberleader is the best because he's formidable enough to have taken over the TARDIS twice and his troops were partially responsible for killing one of the Doctor's companions!
About me: I prefer to remain anonymous, internet safety and all that. I will tell you that I have two arms, two eyes, the basic humanoid form, but that is it.

List of Doctors from most favorite to least:
About me as a Whovian: Now you're talking! Ok, I like Matt Smith's Doctor best for a more manic and eccentric performance and great stories like The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang, Amy's Choice, and The Name of the Doctor. I do not consider myself a fan of New Who or Classic Who, I am a fan of Doctor Who, plain and simple.
Matt Smith
Tom Baker
Sylvester McCoy
Patrick Troughton
Christopher Eccleston
Peter Davison
Jon Pertwee
Paul McGann
William Hartnell
Colin Baker
David Tennant

11 favorite stories:
Review of the Week: Victory of the Daleks was, in my opinion, one of the most underrated episodes of all time. Amy not recognizing the Daleks is hinted at being more than just a plot hole, and when the Doctor mentions it again at the end, it builds up some more mystery for the season finale. I find the friendship between the Doctor and Winston Churchill very entertaining, with their conflicting egos and great respect for eachother. Matt Smith has great chemistry with everyone in the story, be it Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Ian McNiece as Churchill, Bill Patterson as Professor Edwin Bracewell, and Nicholas Briggs as the voice of the Daleks. The idea that the Daleks are hiding in the background and not invading on masse is very refreshing and a nice touch. The line "WOULD YOU CARE FOR SOME TEA?" is absolutely hilarious. The Ironsides are wonderfully designed. The Doctor's outburst at the Daleks is one of Matt Smith's greatest moments as the Doctor. As for the new Daleks, one of the most polarizing changes ever made to the show, I really like them. I like the idea for different colors, the larger size and jagged-edged eyestalk are incredibly intimidating, and I was instantly reminded of the Dalek designs from the Cushing movies. I also liked seeing how the Supreme and Strategist Daleks quickly asserted their roles in the new race of Daleks. The Spitfire battle in space was great action. The best part of the episode is when the Doctor has to chose between destroying his worst enemies and saving his favorite planet, and the Supreme Dalek is very sinister in taunting him. Bracewell's conflict is an interesting concept, but when the day is saved by making him feel love, that was just a cop out in the worst way. The wartime feel is very well executed, and the sense of hope at the end is brilliant. I hope to see the purpose of the Eternal Dalek and the other Daleks fit their roles in the near future. I'd give the episode 9/10. It was a fantastic episode with a badly executed resolution, but the good use of the Daleks more than makes up for it, even if you don't like the new design, and Matt Smith never fails to impress as the Doctor.
1-The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
2-Remembrance of the Daleks
3-The Five Doctors
4-The Caves of Androzanni
5-Tomb of the Cybermen
6-City of Death
7-Genesis of the Daleks
8-Vincent and the Doctor
9-The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
10-The Three Doctors
11-Cold War

5 Favorite Monsters:
<gallery type="slider">
Supreme1.png|[[Supreme Dalek (New Paradigm]]|linktext=The Doctor faces a new and improved Supreme Dalek
2-The Silence
Supreme Dalek .png|[[Character Options]] [[Supreme Dalek]]|linktext=The Character Options 5 inch scale figure of the Dalek Supreme from Victory of the Daleks and Asylum of the Daleks.
Supreme3.png|The [[Supreme Dalek]] in [[Asylum of the Daleks]]|linktext=The Supreme Dalek briefs the Doctor, Amy, and Rory in the Parliament of the Daleks ship.
Supreme4.png|Supreme Dalek Drawing|linktext=My drawing of the Supreme Dalek from Victory of the Daleks, The Pandorica Opens, and Asylum of the Daleks.

Scariest Monsters:
Doctors from favorite to least:
*Matt Smith
2-The Silence
*Tom Baker
*Patrick Troughton
*Sylvester McCoy
5-Weeping Angels
*Christopher Eccleston
*Peter Davison
*Paul McGann
*Jon Pertwee
*William Hartnell
*Colin Baker
*David Tennant

5 Favorite Companions:
Top 10 favorite stories:
*1. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
2-Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
*2. Tomb of the Cybermen
*3. City of Death
4-Sarah Jane
*4. Remembrance of the Daleks
*5. Earthshock
*6. Asylum of the Daleks
*7. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
*8. The Rings of Akhaten
*9. The Caves of Androzanni
*10. The Dalek Invasion of Earth

I hope you enjoyed reading my profile.
Top 10 Monsters:
*1. Daleks
*2. Cybermen
*3. The Great Intelligence
*4. Weeping Angels
*5. The Master
*6. Sontarans
*7. Omega
*8. Scaroth
*9. Haemovores
*10. The Silence

"Just remember who's standing in your way! Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then! And then! Do the smart thing! Let someone else try first!"~The Eleventh Doctor (The Pandorica Opens)
5 Scariest Doctor Who Monsters:
*1. Cybermen
*2. Haemovores
*3. Daleks
*4. Weeping Angels
*5. Silents

"Everything has it's time, and everything ends, wether it's a world, or a relationship."~Sarah Jane Smith (School Reunion)
Top 10 Companions:
*1. Ace
*2. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
*3. Amy Pond
*4. Sarah Jane
*5. Rory
*6. Romana (Both of her)
*7. Jamie
*8. Martha
*9. Clara
*10. Ian Chesterton

I hope you enjoyed reading my profile.

"Well of course he will! That's what guns are for! Pull the trigger, end the life, simple, isn't it?? Makes sense, doesn't it?! A life, killing life! Then do it! Look me in the eye, pull the trigger, end my life..."~The Seventh Doctor (The Happiness Patrol)
"Just remember who's standing in your way! Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then! And then! Do the smart thing! Let someone else try first!"~The Eleventh Doctor (The Pandorica Opens)
"If someone who knew the future pointed out a child to you, and told you that child will grow up to be a ruthless dictator who'd destroy millions of lives, could you then kill that child?"~The Fourth Doctor (Genesis of the Daleks)
"I hope you've got a big appetite, because I have lived a long life, and I've seen a few things! I walked away from the Last Great Time War, I marked the passing of the Time Lords! I have walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man! I have watched universes freeze, and creations burn! I have lost things you will never understand, and I know things! Secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken! Knowledge that will make parasite gods BLAZE!"~The Eleventh Doctor (The Rings of Akhaten)
"I say, what a wonderful butler, he's so violent!"~The Fourth Doctor (City of Death)
"That's ok, we're all stories in the end, just make it a good one, because it was, you know, it was the best. A daft old man, who stole a magic box, and ran away... And you'll dream about that box... It will never leave you... Brand new, and ancient and the bluest blue ever."~The Eleventh Doctor (The Big Bang)
"NO! 'Cause here's what I'm gonna do! I'm gonna save Rose Tyler from the middle of the Dalek fleet, and then I'm gonna save the Earth, and then, just to finish you off, I'm gonna wipe every last stinkin' Dalek OUTTA THE SKY!" "BUT YOU HAVE NO WEA-PONS, NO DE-FEN-CES, NO PLAN!" "Yeah, and doesn't that just scare you to death!"~The Ninth Doctor (The Parting of the Ways)
"That's just the thing, no one else in the universe can do what we're doing. Our lives are different from anyone else's."~The Second Doctor (Tomb of the Cybermen)
"I won't forget you, goodbye"~The Second Doctor (The War Games)
"I don't understand..." "No, Doctor, you never do understand! You never do! Hahahahaha!"~The Fifth Doctor and the Master (Time-Flight)
"You mean you're choosing to deliberately go on the run from your own people, in a rackety old TARDIS?" "Why not, after all, that's how it all started!"~Tegan and the Fifth Doctor (The Five Doctors)
"What's going on, Doctor?" "Change! You, me, everything!"~Mel and the Third Doctor (Dimensions in Time)
"In all my travels, I have battles against evil! Against power mad conspirators! I should have stayed here! Ha, power mad conspirators, Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen! They're still in the nursery compared to us! The oldest civilization in the universe! Decadent, degenerate, and rotten to the core! Five billion years of absolute power, that's what it takes to be REALLY corrupt!"~The Sixth Doctor (Trial of a Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe)
"Bad dog!" "A-ffir-ma-tive!"~Mr Finch and K-9 (School Reunion)
"YOU! ARE! MY! ENEMY! And I am YOURS! You are everything I despise, the worst sin in all creation. I've defeated you time and time again, I've defeated you! I sent you back into the void, I saved the whole of reality from you! I am the Doctor, and you are the DALEKS!"~The Eleventh Doctor (Victory of the Daleks)
"Big mistake, really huge, didn't anyone ever tell you?? If you're smart, if you value your continued existence, there's one thing you never ever put in a trap! Me."~The Eleventh Doctor (The Time of Angels)
"You-are-outside-your function!"~The Cyberleader (Silver Nemesis)
"EX-TER-MI-NATE THE DOC-TOR! CRUSH ALL RE-SIS-TANCE!"~The Supreme Dalek (Remembrance of the Daleks)
"We-march-towards-the-destruction-of-Earth!"~The Cyberleader (Earthshock)
"Die? And just who are you to condemn us to death, hmm?"~The First Doctor (The Dalek Invasion of Earth)
"We play the game again, Time Lord..."~Fenric (The Curse of Fenric)
"The dawn of time, the beginning of all beginnings. Two forces only: Good and Evil! Then chaos! Time is born: matter; space. The universe cries out like a newborn! The forces shatter as the universe explodes outwards! Only echoes remain, and yet, somehow, somehow, the evil forve survives! An intelligence, pure evil!"~The Seventh Doctor (The Curse of Fenric)
"And what about you, Doctor? From what I've seen you're little happy-go-lucky life leaves devastation in it's wake. Playing with so many people's lives you might as well be a God. And you're right. You're absolutely right. Sometimes you do let one go. Let me go."~Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen (Boom Town)
"We're not just fighting the Flood, we're fighting Time itself! And I'm gonna win!"~The Tenth Doctor (The Waters of Mars)
"You claim to want dominion over the living, and yet all you do is kill!"~The Eighth Doctor (The TV Movie)
"I always dress for the occasion!"~The Master (The TV Movie)
"MASTER OF ALL MATTER!"~The Master (The Deadly Assassin)
"Where are they going?" "Out into the universe, but I don't think it's big enough for both of them."~Engin and Castellan Spandrell
"One day, I will come back, yes, I will come back. Until then, there most be no regrets, no tears, and no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine."~The First Doctor (The Dalek Invasion of Earth)
"It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for"~The Fourth Doctor (Logopolis)
"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where seas sleep, and rivers dream! People made of smoke and cities made of song! Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, somewhere else the tea is getting cold! Come on, Ace, we've got work to do!"~The Seventh Doctor (Survival)

Latest revision as of 18:57, 15 June 2013

About me: I prefer to remain anonymous, internet safety and all that. I will tell you that I have two arms, two eyes, the basic humanoid form, but that is it.

About me as a Whovian: Now you're talking! Ok, I like Matt Smith's Doctor best for a more manic and eccentric performance and great stories like The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang, Amy's Choice, and The Name of the Doctor. I do not consider myself a fan of New Who or Classic Who, I am a fan of Doctor Who, plain and simple.

Review of the Week: Victory of the Daleks was, in my opinion, one of the most underrated episodes of all time. Amy not recognizing the Daleks is hinted at being more than just a plot hole, and when the Doctor mentions it again at the end, it builds up some more mystery for the season finale. I find the friendship between the Doctor and Winston Churchill very entertaining, with their conflicting egos and great respect for eachother. Matt Smith has great chemistry with everyone in the story, be it Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Ian McNiece as Churchill, Bill Patterson as Professor Edwin Bracewell, and Nicholas Briggs as the voice of the Daleks. The idea that the Daleks are hiding in the background and not invading on masse is very refreshing and a nice touch. The line "WOULD YOU CARE FOR SOME TEA?" is absolutely hilarious. The Ironsides are wonderfully designed. The Doctor's outburst at the Daleks is one of Matt Smith's greatest moments as the Doctor. As for the new Daleks, one of the most polarizing changes ever made to the show, I really like them. I like the idea for different colors, the larger size and jagged-edged eyestalk are incredibly intimidating, and I was instantly reminded of the Dalek designs from the Cushing movies. I also liked seeing how the Supreme and Strategist Daleks quickly asserted their roles in the new race of Daleks. The Spitfire battle in space was great action. The best part of the episode is when the Doctor has to chose between destroying his worst enemies and saving his favorite planet, and the Supreme Dalek is very sinister in taunting him. Bracewell's conflict is an interesting concept, but when the day is saved by making him feel love, that was just a cop out in the worst way. The wartime feel is very well executed, and the sense of hope at the end is brilliant. I hope to see the purpose of the Eternal Dalek and the other Daleks fit their roles in the near future. I'd give the episode 9/10. It was a fantastic episode with a badly executed resolution, but the good use of the Daleks more than makes up for it, even if you don't like the new design, and Matt Smith never fails to impress as the Doctor.

Doctors from favorite to least:

  • Matt Smith
  • Tom Baker
  • Patrick Troughton
  • Sylvester McCoy
  • Christopher Eccleston
  • Peter Davison
  • Paul McGann
  • Jon Pertwee
  • William Hartnell
  • Colin Baker
  • David Tennant

Top 10 favorite stories:

  • 1. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang
  • 2. Tomb of the Cybermen
  • 3. City of Death
  • 4. Remembrance of the Daleks
  • 5. Earthshock
  • 6. Asylum of the Daleks
  • 7. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
  • 8. The Rings of Akhaten
  • 9. The Caves of Androzanni
  • 10. The Dalek Invasion of Earth

Top 10 Monsters:

  • 1. Daleks
  • 2. Cybermen
  • 3. The Great Intelligence
  • 4. Weeping Angels
  • 5. The Master
  • 6. Sontarans
  • 7. Omega
  • 8. Scaroth
  • 9. Haemovores
  • 10. The Silence

5 Scariest Doctor Who Monsters:

  • 1. Cybermen
  • 2. Haemovores
  • 3. Daleks
  • 4. Weeping Angels
  • 5. Silents

Top 10 Companions:

  • 1. Ace
  • 2. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
  • 3. Amy Pond
  • 4. Sarah Jane
  • 5. Rory
  • 6. Romana (Both of her)
  • 7. Jamie
  • 8. Martha
  • 9. Clara
  • 10. Ian Chesterton

I hope you enjoyed reading my profile.

"Just remember who's standing in your way! Remember every black day I ever stopped you, and then! And then! Do the smart thing! Let someone else try first!"~The Eleventh Doctor (The Pandorica Opens)