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| {{Color|#FFFFF0}} | | {{first pic|Imperial Daleks.jpg|Type 2 Imperial Daleks. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Remembrance of the Daleks (TV story)}}, [[PROSE]]: {{cs|Dalek Survival Guide (novel)}})}} |
| [[File:Docpic9d.jpg|thumb|left|The War Doctor's final scarf was made of burgundy and ivory herringbone. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Day of the Doctor (TV story)}})]]
| | '''Ivory''' was a white colour. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Tears of the Oracle (novel)}}, {{cs|It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow (short story)}}) It was a pale colour skin to bone's colouring. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Foreign Devils (novel)}}) It could also be a pale yellow. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Cat's Cradle: Warhead (novel)}}) |
| '''Ivory''' was a shade of [[white]] and [[yellow]] with a hint of [[cream]]; so called after a [[Ivory|substance]] which makes up the tusks of animals including [[Elephant|elephants]] and [[Walrus|walruses]].{{fact}} | |
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| The [[War Doctor]] wore a [[herringbone]] [[scarf]] done in [[Burgundy (colour)|burgundy]] and ivory during the [[Assault on Ruta III]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|In Name Only (audio story)}}) when he and [[Rejoice]] dealt with [[Bronze Dalek|Mark VIII Daleks]] including a [[Prime Dalek (The Thousand Worlds)|Prime]] and [[Taalyen|Taalyens]] on [[Keska]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Innocent (audio story)}}-{{cs|The Heart of the Battle (audio story)}}) during his encounter with the [[Technomancer|Technomancers]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|Legion of the Lost (audio story)}}) when foiling rogue members of the [[Dalek Scientific Division]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|A Thing of Guile (audio story)}}) during his campaign on [[Neverwhen]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Neverwhen (audio story)}}) when stopping [[Lara Zannis]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Shadow Vortex (audio story)}}) when getting involved with [[General]] [[Fesk]] of the [[Eighth Battle Fleet|Eighth Sontaran Battle Fleet]] in his campaign to use the [[Dalek Time Strategist (The Shadow Vortex)|Dalek Time Strategist]] and [[Ollistra]]'s [[War Ollistra|war]] incarnation as hostages, ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Eternity Cage (audio story)}}) during [[Heleyna]]'s [[betrayal]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|Eye of Harmony (audio story)}}) during his encounter with [[Schandel (Pretty Lies)|Schandel]] and a [[Dalek Taskforce Commander]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|Pretty Lies (audio story)}}) during his reunion with [[Leela]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Lady of Obsidian (audio story)}}-{{cs|The Enigma Dimension (audio story)}}) during the [[Battle for the Tantalus Eye]], ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Engines of War (novel)}}) and right up to his [[War Doctor's regeneration|death]] after the [[1562]]/[[2013]] [[Zygon invasion of Earth|Zygon Invasion of Earth]] and the [[Fall of Gallifrey]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Day of the Doctor (TV story)}})
| | Sand could be an ivory colour. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Project Valhalla (novel)}}) |
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| [[Sarah Jane Smith]] wore an ivory lace [[dress]] which once belonged to [[Victoria Waterfield|Victoria]], such as when helping to deal with [[Sutekh]] and some of the [[Osiran]]'s [[Servitor (Pyramids of Mars)|Servitors]] in [[1911]], ([[TV]]: {{cs|Pyramids of Mars (TV story)}}) and when helping to stop [[Percival Ross]] and [[Tobias Breckinridge]] on [[Dartmoor]] in [[1880]]. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Evolution (novel)}})
| | Clothing such as dresses could be an ivory colour. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|The Sorrows of Vienna (short story)}}) |
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| [[Yasmin Khan]] wore an ivory [[shirt]] under her [[beige]] [[waistcoat]] during the year [[1904]], the [[2021 Sontaran invasion of Earth|2021 Sontaran Invasion of Earth]], and [[the Flux]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Survivors of the Flux (TV story)}}, {{cs|The Vanquishers (TV story)}})
| | Sheets could also be ivory coloured. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Cat's Cradle: Warhead (novel)}}) |
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| [[Emily Morris]] wore an ivory [[cravat]] with [[black]] marks when she met Sarah Jane Smith. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Lost in Time (TV story)}})
| | If an individual was quite pale they could be described as having ivory skin. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Sting of the Zygons (novel)}}, {{cs|Doctor Who and the Crusaders (novelisation)}}) |
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| The [[Sixth Doctor]] wore an ivory [[ascot tie]] with [[Ebony (colour)|ebony]] [[black]] polka dots when he reunited with [[Peri Brown]] on the [[Remembered TARDIS]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Vengeance on Varos (TotT TV story)}})
| | When in the Lake District in [[1909]] Martha Jones wore a ivory coloured silk kimono. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Sting of the Zygons (novel)}}) |
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| The [[Sixth Corsair|sixth]] incarnation of [[the Corsair]] wore an ivory shirt with frilly sleeves. ([[COMIC]]: {{cs|Old Friends (comic story)}})
| | Cho-Je had a ivory-coloured face in the 1970s when he met Lupton. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Doctor Who and the Planet of the Spiders (novelisation)}}) |
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| The [[Third Doctor]] wore an ivory [[bow tie]] when he helped his past and future incarnations. ([[COMIC]]: {{cs|The Lost Dimension (comic story)}}) | | The results of the First Rani's traps when a humanoid was caught within them left only an ivory skeleton on Lakertya. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Time and the Rani (novelisation)}}) |
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| The [[First Doctor]] wore a cream [[ascot tie]] with [[Ivory (colour)|ivory]] stripes when he met [[Vicki]], ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Rescue (TV story)}}) and when helping the [[Menoptera]] in defying the [[The Animus|Animus]] and [[Zarbi]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Web Planet (TV story)}})
| | Cheap magazines used yellow paper, but opted for ivory-toned pages for colour illustrations in the 21st century. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Cat's Cradle: Warhead (novel)}}) |
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| Whilst at the launch of the [[RMS Titanic|RMS ''Titanic'']] in [[1912]], the [[Ninth Doctor]] wore an ivory shirt. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Rose (TV story)}}, [[PROSE]]: {{cs|Have You Seen This Man? (short story)}})
| | Environment suits were ivory-white in [[2592]]. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Cold Fusion (novel)}}) |
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| [[Diane Holmes]] wore an ivory shirt when she landed on the [[21st century]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Out of Time (TV story)}}) | | In [[3177]] computer touchpads were ivory coloured. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Longest Day (novel)}}) |
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| [[Romana II]] wore an ivory scarf during the [[Movellan Incident]], ([[TV]]: {{cs|Destiny of the Daleks (TV story)}}) and when helping to foil the [[Tremas Master]] and [[Auton|Autons]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Endgame (POT comic story)}}) She sometimes wore an ivory [[stock tie]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Horns of Nimon (TV story)}}, [[COMIC]]: {{cs|Time Lady of Means (comic story)}}, [[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Planet of Witches (audio story)}}) | | The internal structures and control interfaces of [[The Edifice (The Ancestor Cell)|The Edifice]] were ivory in colour. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|The Ancestor Cell (novel)}}) |
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| [[Nyssa]] wore an ivory underdress with her [[steel blue]] mini-dress when she met [[Spillager|Spillagers]] on [[Switzerland]] during [[1963]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|Winter for the Adept (audio story)}}) on [[Nightjar & Nemesis|''Nightjar & Nemesis'']], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|Pursuit of the Nightjar (audio story)}}) when she first meets [[Vislor Turlough]] and [[Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart]], ([[TV]]: {{cs|Mawdryn Undead (TV story)}}) and when she left the [[Fifth Doctor]] to stay and tend to patients on [[Terminus|''Terminus'']] during [[35th century|3480]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Terminus (TV story)}}) | | The ''[[Dalek Survival Guide]]'' identified both the [[Necros Dalek|Type 1]] and [[Imperial Dalek|Type 2 Imperial Dalek]]s as ivory whilst acknowledging that some observers described the general colour scheme of the Type 1 Imperial Daleks as cream, a designation which was discouraged by the [[Dalek]]s. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Dalek Survival Guide (novel)}}) |
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| The [[Seventh Doctor]] tried on a [[Napoleonic Wars|Napoleonic]] [[frock coat]] in [[Navy (colour)|navy]] and ivory with [[Gold (colour)|gold]] [[Epaulette|epaulettes]] and a [[crimson]] trim before switching for a [[Silver (colour)|silver]] [[grey]] [[blazer]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Time and the Rani (TV story)}}) He also wore an ivory shirt up to his [[Seventh Doctor's regeneration|death]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Doctor Who (TV story)}}) | | ==Buildings and fixtures== |
| | The Doctor's house had in the 21st century a massive bathtub, its surface a pale ivory yellow. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Cat's Cradle: Warhead (novel)}}) |
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| The [[Fourth Doctor]] wore an ivory cravat during the [[Sontaran invasion of Gallifrey]], ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Invasion of Time (TV story)}}) when he met the [[White Guardian]] and [[Romana I]] as well as when he went to [[Ribos]], ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Ribos Operation (TV story)}}) and when when foiling [[Xanxia|Queen Xanxia]] and [[the Captain]] on [[Zanak]] and [[Calufrax]] during [[1978]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Pirate Planet (TV story)}})
| | Ceilings in buildings could be painted or rendered to a colour of ivory. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Gods of the Underworld (novel)}}) |
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| The [[Fifth Doctor]] wore an ivory cravat when solving a murder mystery on [[New Alexandria]] during [[10,764]]. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|The Crystal Bucephalus (novel)}})
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| A [[The Doctor 1 (Rose)|feminine version of the Doctor with a bald head and dark skin wielding a flaming sword]] wore an ivory shirt under a [[Raven (colour)|raven]] [[black]] [[waistcoat]]. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Rose (novelisation)}})
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| [[Ace]], [[Gwendoline Pritchard|Gwendoline]] and [[Nimrod]] wore ivory bow ties with [[Tuxedo|tuxedos]] within [[Gabriel Chase]] on [[1883]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Ghost Light (TV story)}})
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| [[Liz Shaw]] wore an ivory shirt over a [[Plum (colour)|plum]] [[purple]] [[Tank-top|tank top]] when she risked her own life to save the Third Doctor from the [[First Rani]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Dimensions in Time (TV story)}})
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| [[Jo Grant]] wore ivory [[Boot|boots]] when she first met [[Grey Dalek|Mark IV Daleks]] including a [[Gold Dalek (Day of the Daleks)|gold leader]] as well as their [[Controller (Day of the Daleks)|Controller]] and [[Ogron|Ogrons]] during the [[Time Paradox Incident]], ([[TV]]: {{cs|Day of the Daleks (TV story)}}) and when helping many versions of the Doctor and companions. ([[GAME]]: {{cs|Lost in Time (video game)}}) She also wore ivory [[trousers]] when she first meet [[Sea Devil|Sea Devils]] during the [[Seaspite Incident]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Sea Devils (TV story)}}) Long after, she wore an [[Emerald (colour)|emerald]] and ivory [[ikat]] scarf with [[Rust (colour)|rust]] [[orange]] symbols when she reunited with [[Clyde Langer]] on the [[Remembered TARDIS]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Three Doctors (TotT TV story)}})
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| [[Oscar Botcherby]] wore an ivory [[fedora]] when he and [[Anita (The Two Doctors)|Anita]] met [[Sixth Doctor|the Sixth Doctor]], [[Peri Brown]], and [[Jamie McCrimmon]] after seeing Sontaran [[Group Marshal]] [[Stike]]'s [[Sontaran scout ship|scoutship]] fly over. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Two Doctors (TV story)}})
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| [[Bill Potts]] wore an ivory cravat when visiting the [[1814 frost fair]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Thin Ice (TV story)}})
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| [[Charles Dickens]] wore an ivory bow tie when he met the [[Ninth Doctor]], [[Rose Tyler]], [[Gwyneth (The Unquiet Dead)|Gwyneth]], and the [[Gelth]] in [[Cardiff]] during [[1869]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Unquiet Dead (TV story)}})
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| [[John Riddell]], an [[Edwardian era|Edwardian]] [[Big-game hunting|hunter]], wore an ivory shirt when he met [[Nefertiti|Queen Nefertiti]] and helped rescue [[Dinosaur|dinosaurs]] on a [[Silurian Ark]] during [[2367]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Dinosaurs on a Spaceship (TV story)}})
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| [[Adelphi]] from [[Pandad IV]]'s [[High Council]] wore an ivory cravat as part of his disguise when he appeared to the [[Third Doctor]] to warn him of {{Delgado}}, ([[TV]]: {{cs|Terror of the Autons (TV story)}}) who he had released to keep him busy. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Prisoners of the Sun (short story)}}) The Master wore an ivory scarf when posing as an engineer to put a plastic cord in the [[Third Doctor]]'s telephone during the [[Second Nestene invasion of Earth|Second Nestene Invasion of Earth]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Terror of the Autons (TV story)}})
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| [[Professor]] [[Jeremiah Kettlewell|Jeremiah P. Kettlewell]] wore an ivory and [[Ebony (colour)|ebony]] [[Tattersall (design)|tattersall]] shirt. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Robot (TV story)}})
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| [[Melody Pond]] wore a burgundy tie with ivory stripes as [[Mels Zucker]] during her time as a student. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Let's Kill Hitler (TV story)}}) As [[River Song]], she wore an ivory [[leather jacket]] during the [[Total Collapse Event Incident|Total Collapse Event Incident.]] ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Pandorica Opens (TV story)}}, {{cs|The Big Bang (TV story)}})
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| [[Robert Muir]] and [[Charles Cranleigh]] wore ivory cravats as part of their [[Georgian era|Georgian]] costumes in a party round [[Cranleigh Hall]] in [[1925]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Black Orchid (TV story)}})
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| The [[Fifteenth Doctor]] wore an ivory cravat during an adventure in [[1813]]. Many guests wore ivory cravats including [[Lord]] [[Barton (Rogue)|Barton]] and the [[Galpin (Rogue)|member]] of the [[Chuldur|Chulder]] who took his place. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Rogue (TV story)}})
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| [[Lieutenant]] [[Harry Sullivan]], a [[doctor]] from [[UNIT]], wore an ivory and [[Bronze (colour)|bronze]] [[pinstripe]] shirt when posing as a member of the [[Ministry of Defence]] to question the [[National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Robot (TV story)}})
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| [[The Warrior]] wore a burgundy and ivory herringbone scarf similar to the one worn by the War Doctor of [[N-Space]]. ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Difference Office (audio story)}})
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| {{Ainley|c}} wore a [[Navy (colour)|navy]] [[blue]] shirt with an ivory collar during his [[Survival Stratagem]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Survival (TV story)}}) {{Jacobi|c}} sometimes wore an ivory shirt. ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Sincerest Form of Flattery (audio story)}}, {{cs|A Quiet Night In (audio story)}}, {{cs|The Orphan (audio story)}}, {{cs|Unfinished Business (audio story)}}) [[Missy]], his female incarnation, wore an ivory [[blouse]] with her walking suit, ([[TV]]: {{cs|Deep Breath (TV story)}}, etc.) right up to her [[Missy's regeneration|death]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Doctor Falls (TV story)}})
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| [[The Toymaker]] wore a burgundy bow tie with ivory polka dots in [[Soho]] during [[1925]]. He also wore a [[shako]] and frock coat done in [[scarlet]] and ivory with [[Gold (colour)|gold]] trims when he plays the [[Spice Girls]] song "[[Spice Up Your Life]]" while messing with [[UNIT]] in [[London]] during [[2023]]; and also an ivory scarf up to his defeat. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Giggle (TV story)}})
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| [[Marriner]] wore an ivory bow tie as part of his tuxedo. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Enlightenment (TV story)}})
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| [[De Flores]] wore an ivory ascot tie when he met the Seventh Doctor, Ace, and [[CyberIsomorph|Isomorph Cybermen]] in [[England]] during the [[Cyber-invasion (Silver Nemesis)|1988 Cyber-Invasion of Earth]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Silver Nemesis (TV story)}})
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| [[Christopher (The Unicorn and the Wasp)|Christopher]], a [[Vespiform]] posing as a human to study humans, wore an ivory bow tie as part of his tuxedo on [[Delhi]] during the [[Victorian era]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Unicorn and the Wasp (TV story)}})
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| [[Janice (Wild Thymes on the 22)|Janice]] wore a [[beige]] shirt with [[Peach (colour)|peach]] stripes and an ivory collar. ([[GRAPHIC]]: {{cs|Janice (illustration)}})
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| [[Wilfred Mott|Wilf Mott]] wore an ivory and ebony tattersall shirt during the [[Planetary Relocation Incident]] done by [[Davros]] and the [[New Dalek Empire]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Stolen Earth (TV story)}}, {{cs|Journey's End (TV story)}})
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| [[John Ellis]] wore a burgundy [[tie]] with ivory polka dots when he landed in [[21st century]] [[Cardiff]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|Out of Time (TV story)}})
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| The ''[[Dalek Survival Guide]]'' identified both the [[Necros Dalek|Type 1]] and [[Imperial Dalek|Type 2 Imperial Dalek]]s as ivory whilst acknowledging that some observers described the general colour scheme of the Type 1 Imperial Daleks as cream, a designation which was discouraged by the [[Dalek]]s. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Dalek Survival Guide (novel)}})
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| [[Category:Colours from the real world]] | | [[Category:Colours from the real world]] |
| [[Category:White]] | | [[Category:White]] |
| [[Category:Yellow]] | | [[Category:Yellow]] |