Tardis:Links to disambiguating pages: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 00:17, 25 August 2019

If you are looking for a current list of disambiguating pages, go to category:disambiguation pages.

The primary reason for this page of links to disambiguating pages is technical support for a function of the software which underpins this wiki.

What this page is

In order to grasp the function of this page, you need to understand one of the basic rules of a wiki: all pages should, in theory, link somewhere. Those pages which don't link elsewhere are considered deficient. Thus, the software provides a list of such pages, at Special:LonelyPages.

Disambiguation pages, however, are an exception to the "no lonely pages" rule. Most disambiguation pages are not linked to other pages. This condition is actually expected with disambiguation pages. This page provides disambig pages with one link, and therefore removes them from the lonely pages list.

Put simply, this page makes Special:LonelyPages a more useful "to-do" list.

What this page isn't

This page is not:

  • alphabetical — despite the presence of an historical attempt at alphabetization, it was never truly alphabetical, since titles with preceding articles, like the, were filed under "t"
  • a list — there is no need for the links on this page to be in a list form for this page to work
  • automatically updating —  for this page to do its job, it must be manually maintained. A dynamic DPL or SMW listing of pages would be more accurate, but it wouldn't actually remove the pages from LonelyPages. That can only be done through an express, manual link.
  • current — because it's not automatically updating, this page includes many obsolete disambiguation page titles
  • complete — pages are linked here because they have no other links. If a disambiguation page has other links, it will never be placed here. For instance, you won't find Susan in the list below, because it's linked elsewhere.

For these reasons, we recommend you go to category:disambiguation if you're actually looking for a current, complete, and mostly alphabetical listing of disambiguating pages.

Pages to be added

Any pages listed in this section should be added to the link dumping section below to ensure that they no longer appear on Special:LonelyPages. Simply cut and paste the links from this section to the one below, then add brackets around the names.

Link dumping

There's honestly no point to maintaining this list alphabetically. It isn't meant to be a human reference page. Most editors don't know this page exists, and it rarely gets updated when disambig pages are deleted or renamed. The whole point is to just see that the links given by the above automated report are manually placed somewhere on this page. Therefore, we will reduce the amount of time it takes to keep this page useful to the system by abandoning the pretense of a complete and ordered list. If you want a current, alphabetical list, go to category:disambiguation pages.

Carpenter (disambiguation) 1963 (disambiguation) Abby Abigail Academy (disambiguation) Adam Smith (disambiguation) Adam Adelaide Afterlife (disambiguation) Ahmed Alan Alaska Alastair Albert (disambiguation) Alec Alex Alfred Alice Alistair All-Consuming Fire (disambiguation) Alliance Alpha Alpha Centauri Amanda Amber (disambiguation) Amy Anderson Andrew Andrews Andromeda Androzani Andy Angel Angela Angelo Anita Ann Anna Anti-matter (disambiguation) Antonio April (disambiguation) April (disambiguation) Arcadia (disambiguation) Arcturus Ares Armageddon (disambiguation) Armstrong Arnold The Art of Doctor Who Artemis Arthur Ash (disambiguation) Ashman Ashton Asylum (disambiguation) Atif Aubrey (disambiguation) Audrey August (disambiguation) Augustus (disambiguation) Austin (disambiguation) Bad Wolf Badger Baker Bane Banksy Bannerman Banto Barbara Barclay Barmaid (disambiguation) Barnaby Barney Bartholomew (disambiguation) Bates Battlefield (disambiguation) Baxter Beacon (disambiguation) Bee (disambiguation) The Beginning Behind the Sofa (disambiguation) Bell (disambiguation) Ben (disambiguation) Berkeley Bernard Bert Beyond the Sun Bigger on the Inside (disambiguation) Bill Matthews Bill Birthright (disambiguation) Bishop (disambiguation) Black (disambiguation) Black Archive (disambiguation) Black Orchid Bliss Bloom Bob Borg Boris Bowling (disambiguation) Bradley Brandon Brenda Brian Bridget Briggs Brock Brook (disambiguation) Brooke Brookes Brooks Brotherhood (disambiguation) Bruce Bryce Bryn Butler (disambiguation) Butler Byzantium CAL Camilla Captain Jack Harkness (disambiguation) Captain Caretaker (disambiguation) Carl Carlisle (disambiguation) Carlos Carmen Carol (disambiguation) Caroline Carstairs Carter Carver Cass Cassandra Casualties of War Cat (disambiguation) Chad (disambiguation) Chambers Chameleon Chang Chaos (disambiguation) Charles Charlie Charlotte Charon Checkmate (disambiguation) Cherub Chimera Chloe Chris Chrissie Christian Christina A Christmas Carol Christopher CIA Cindy The Citadel Clara Claude Clay (disambiguation) Cleopatra (disambiguation) Co-pilot Cold fusion (disambiguation) Cold War (disambiguation) Cold Colin Collector (disambiguation) Colley Companion (disambiguation) Connie Consequences Constantine Continuity Control Controller (disambiguation) Controller Cook (disambiguation) Cook Cooper Cora Coral (disambiguation) Cotton Countdown (disambiguation) Craig Crane Crooked Man (disambiguation) Cuckoo (disambiguation) Cummings Curse (disambiguation) Curt Cyber-Leader Cyber-Lord Cyberman (disambiguation) Cyclops (disambiguation) Dad (disambiguation) Daisy (disambiguation) Dale Dalek Civil War Dalek Empire (disambiguation) Dalek invasion The Daleks Damon Dan Daniel Daniels Danny Dark (disambiguation) The Dark Planet Davenport Davey David (disambiguation) David Davidson Davies Davis Dawn of Time Dawson Death (disambiguation) Demon (disambiguation) Dent Derek Derrick The Destroyers Devlin Digby Dispersal DJ (disambiguation) Doctor Who (disambiguation) Doctor Who (IDW) Doctor Who and the Daleks Doctor Who and the Doctor Who and Doctor Who Live The Doctor Who Quiz Book (disambiguation) Doctor Who soundtracks Donna Double Trouble Down to Earth Downtime Dr. Who Dracula (disambiguation) Dramos Dreadnought Dreamland Drew Driver Dynasty (disambiguation) Echoes Edifice Edith Edmund Edward Eileen Eleanor Elgin Elizabeth Ellie Elton Emily Emma Emperor of the Daleks (disambiguation) Empress End Game The End Endgame (disambiguation) The Enemy Within Enlightenment (disambiguation) The Entity Epoch (disambiguation) Epsilon Eric Erica Eros Eternity (disambiguation) Europa Evan Eve Evelyn Evolution (disambiguation) Exodus (disambiguation) Exxilon (disambiguation) Farewell Great Macedon Father (disambiguation) Father Time (disambiguation) Fear (disambiguation) Federation Fenton Ferdinand Finn Fitzroy Flashback Flashpoint Flight attendant Flood (disambiguation) Flower (disambiguation) The Fog Foreman Forester Forgotten (disambiguation) Foster Fractures Francine Frank Frankenstein (disambiguation) Freddie Fugitive (disambiguation) Gabriel Gabriella Gamma Ganymede (disambiguation) Gareth Garrett Gary Gavin Gemma Generios Geoffrey George Gerald Gideon The Gift Gill (disambiguation) Gina Ginger The Girl Golden age Golem Gonzalez Goth (disambiguation) Great One Green (disambiguation) Green Greg Greta Grey (disambiguation) Griffin Groenewegen Guard Guardian Guernica Guido Gun Guthrie Hal Hallett Hamilton Harcourt Harmony Harold Harper Harris Harry Hart Harvey Hattie Hayes Heat (disambiguation) Heather (disambiguation) Heaven Hector (disambiguation) Helen Henderson Henry Herald (disambiguation) Hettie High Priest Hill (disambiguation) Holland (disambiguation) Hope Host (disambiguation) Hubert Hugh Human Empire Human Nature Hyperion I-spy (disambiguation) Ian Icarus Inferno Ingrid Invasion Isaac Isabella Island of Death (disambiguation) Izzy Jack Jackson Jacob Jake James Jamie Jane Janet Jason Jean Jeff Jen Jenkins Jennifer Jenny Jeremy Jim Joe John Baker John Davies (disambiguation) John Fitzgerald John Lee John Smith John Johnson Jonah Jones Joseph Josephine Joshua Joy Jubilee Judgement Day Judoon captain Julia Julie Julius June (disambiguation) Justin Kane Kara (disambiguation) Karl Karter Kate Katherine Kelly Kelvin Kennedy Kenny Kettering Kevin Key to Time (disambiguation) Kin Kraken (disambiguation) Krampus Kurt Last Christmas The Last Dalek Latimer Laura Lawson Lazarus (disambiguation) Leech (disambiguation) Legion (disambiguation) Leighton Leonardo Lethbridge-Stewart Lethe Leviathan Light (disambiguation) Lily (disambiguation) Lime Lincoln (disambiguation) Linda Lionel Lisa Little girl Living History Llewellyn Lloyd Lockdown London Olympics The Lost (disambiguation) Louise Lucy Luke Luna Romana Luther Lux Lynda Mac Magda Magellan Maggie Magnus Magpie (disambiguation) Maitland Malcolm Mantis Marco Polo (disambiguation) Marco Margaret Maria Marianne Marie Mark Markus Marmaduke Marshal Martha Martin Mary Mason Master (disambiguation) Masters Matrix (disambiguation) Matt Jones (disambiguation) Matthews Max McCoy Medea Medusa (disambiguation) Megan Mel Mentor (disambiguation) Menzies (disambiguation) Mercury Meredith (disambiguation) Methuselah Michael Williams (disambiguation) Michael Mickey Miles Milkman Milo Milton Miranda Mississippi (disambiguation) Missy The Mistress Mitchell Molly Monitor Monster (disambiguation) Moonbase (disambiguation) Moor Moore Morgan Morris Mother (disambiguation) Mu (disambiguation) Mu (disambiguation) Mu Munro Murray Mutant (disambiguation) The Mutants Mutation (disambiguation) Myra Myth Makers (disambiguation) Myths and Legends Nadia Nancy Nathan Nathaniel Nemesis (disambiguation) Neptune Nerva Neutron (disambiguation) New Earth New Mars (disambiguation) New York Newsreader Nigel Nightingale (disambiguation) The Nightmare Fair Nightshade Nina Norman (disambiguation) Nothing at the End of the Lane (disambiguation) Nova (disambiguation) Nuclear Nurse Oblivion (disambiguation) Oliver Omega (disambiguation) Omicron The One Oracle (disambiguation) Orr Oscar Osgood Oswald Other Doctor Out of Time (disambiguation) Out of Time Overseer Panda (disambiguation) The Pandorica Opens (disambiguation) Parasite (disambiguation) Parker Parsons Patrick Paul Smith (disambiguation) Paul Smith (disambiguation) Paul Payne Peladon Penn Peri Perkins Peter Pharmacist Pharos Phoenix Pickle Pieter Planet (disambiguation) Planet X Polly Pond (disambiguation) Pool Pope (disambiguation) Pope Preacher (disambiguation) Prentice President Pritchard Prologue Prometheus Pudsey (disambiguation) Punch (disambiguation) Rachel Ralph Randall Rani Raphael Ray Redemption (disambiguation) Reg Regeneration (disambiguation) Registrar The Relic Requiem Return of the Daleks Reunion Richard Wilson Richard Rigel Riley Ring (disambiguation) Rita River (disambiguation) Rob Robert Roberts Robertson Roche Rondel The Roof of the World Rory Rosa Rose (disambiguation) Rosemary (disambiguation) Ross Roy Russell Ruth Ryman (disambiguation) Sadie Sally Sanders Sandman Sandra Sarah Sarg Sarn Sasha Saurian Saxon (disambiguation) Scanner The Science of Doctor Who Scott Screamer Seal Sean Sebastian Second Chances Sea Devil (disambiguation) Serenity Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 4 Series 5 Series 6 Series 7 Series 8 Series 9 Series 10 Series 11 Series 12 Series 13 Series 14 The Seven Keys to Doomsday Shada Shadow (disambiguation) Shapeshifter (disambiguation) Sharkey Sharon Sheila Shelley Shirley Shona Sigma Silhouette Silver (disambiguation) The Silver Bullet (disambiguation) Simmons Simon Sinclair Singer Singularity Sins of the Fathers Sisterhood (disambiguation) Skinner Sky (disambiguation) Sleeper Smith Solar system Solomon Something Borrowed Sonic device Sophie The Source Space (disambiguation) Space pirate (disambiguation) Space Station Alpha Sparrow (disambiguation) Special Spencer Spirit (disambiguation) St Mary's Stan Stanley Stasis (disambiguation) Stefan Stella Step Back in Time Stephanie Sterling Steward Stewart Stoker Storm (disambiguation) Suki Summer (disambiguation) Summers Supreme The Swarm Sylvia Talbot Tales from the TARDIS Tanaka Tantalus TARDIS (disambiguation) Taylor Technician Technician Ted Tempest Temple (disambiguation) Terry Thatcher Theme music Theta Thomas Thursday (disambiguation) Tilly Time (disambiguation) Time Bomb (disambiguation) Time Lord 1 Time Lord 2 Time machine (disambiguation) Timmy Timothy Tina Toby Tony Tooth and Claw Tor Torchwood (disambiguation) Torchwood Archive (disambiguation) The Traitor Tramp (disambiguation) Trask Travis Trevor Truth or Consequences Tunguska Turner Twilight (disambiguation) Tyler The Ultimate Guide Uncle UNIT (disambiguation) Untitled Uriel Utopia Valerian Valhalla (disambiguation) Vanguard The Vault Venice (disambiguation) Venus (disambiguation) Verdigris Veronica Vicki Victoria (disambiguation) Vienna (disambiguation) Viola (disambiguation) Violet Virginia (disambiguation) Virus (disambiguation) Vizier (disambiguation) Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Vortex Vostok Voyager (disambiguation) Vulcan Wainwright Walker Walter Walters War Games (disambiguation) War Lord (disambiguation) Warlock Warner (disambiguation) The Watcher Webster Wells Wendy White Hart White Rabbit (disambiguation) William Williams Willis Wilson Wish You Were Here (disambiguation) Withers Wolf (disambiguation) Wolfgang Worker Wormwood Wright Yasmin Yates Yeti Yquatine (disambiguation) Yvonne Zed Zeron Zeta Zeus (disambiguation) Zeus Zimmerman Zoe Croft Dalek War (disambiguation) David Jackson Hendrick Henrik Joan Love and War (disambiguation) Marriott Pandora (disambiguation) Ulysses (disambiguation) Amelia Stream (disambiguation) The Chase Thing (disambiguation) Anya Basil Carla Core Dal Doug Dougie Douglas Emancipation (disambiguation) Eye of the Storm (disambiguation) Flesh (disambiguation) Havoc (disambiguation) New Earth (disambiguation) Organ Partisan (disambiguation) Probe (disambiguation) Static The Five Doctors (disambiguation) The Woman Warden Lewis Bruno Monique Atraxi (disambiguation) Stark Bonnie Patel Janine