Doctor Who: The Last Time Lord
"Doctor Who: The Last Time Lord" was a treatment that Russell T Davies wrote for BBC executives for what became the 2005 revival of Doctor Who. In the 15-page document, he laid out the back story for specifically the Ninth Doctor, detailing how the elimination of the Time Lords could make the programme more accessible to modern audiences.
Jane Tranter's iitial reaction to the document was disappointment in the implied elimination of the character of the Master. However, she, as BBC Head of Drama and therefore the commissioner of Doctor Who, was also impressed.
It was obvious, even from the treatment, that Russell was going to make ridiculous things feel credible.
Julie Gardner said "the hairs stood up on the back of [her] neck" when she first read the treatment and saw the words "the last Time Lord" on the page. She felt that the notion, though not heavily emphasised in the first series, "added a certain epic mythology" to Doctor Who" and made the Doctor "more vulnerable". (AG: Project WHO?)