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The Howling → Oswin
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Well, now that we know that Jenna-Lousie Coleman's character was a Dalek the entire time, does anybody have any guess as to how she will come back as a character on Christmas? The most obvious way would be for the Doctor to meet her earlier in her timeline, before while she was still a Human, knowing that she would eventually become a Dalek the entire time he knew her. Still that doesn't quite seem to match the backstory that she gave, although she could of course ohave been lying.Icecreamdif 16:26, September 2, 2012 (UTC)

She was a full Dalek, undamaged. Who's to say she doesn't just Emergency Shift off the rock before they blow it up. I'm sure the damaged Daleks had their shifts taken out, but Oswin was an off the truck, shiny new Dalek. --LiaThorngrove 16:49, September 2, 2012 (UTC)

I don't think Jenna-Louise Coleman will return. My theory is that all the promotion pictures where a way to trick us and the leaked pictures from the christmas episode was leaked voluntary also just to trick us. Cause remember just like the Doctor, Steven Moffat lies ;) -- to me 17:31, September 2, 2012 (UTC)

I don't think so. If Moffat was just lying about her becoming a companion to mess with us, then surely he would have said that she would become a companion in Asylum of the Daleks, not the Christmas special. Sort of like how we were told that Susie would be a main character in Torchwood. I just don't think he would pick a random actress from one episode that we haven't seen yet, and have her do a bunch of interviews and stuff saying that she will become a companion in another episode that we haven't seen yet. It is possible that she temporal shifted out of the Asylum, but she would still be in Dalek form, and thus played by Nicholas Briggs, rather than in human form and played by Jenna-Louise Coleman.Icecreamdif 17:52, September 2, 2012 (UTC)

There are many possibilities:

1. The new companion might not be Oswin but a relative (an ancestor, perhaps).
2. The new companion might be Oswin from earlier in her timeline.
3. The new companion might be Oswin from an alternate or changed history.
4. The new companion might not be Oswin but a completely unrelated character (as with the soothsayer in Pompeii & Amy Pond, both played by Karen Gillan).
5. The new companion might be Oswin after she (somehow) escaped from the exploding asylum planet & (somehow) regained her human form.
6. Moffat might be outdoing himself with his lying, this time.

There must be others but 6 seems enough for now. -- to me 18:59, September 2, 2012 (UTC)

I doubt that it's just 2 completely unrelated characters played by the same actress. Karen Gillan played the soothsayer, and Colin Baker played Maxil before they were cast in their more famous roles, but Jenna Louise-Coleman has already been announced as the new companion.Icecreamdif 19:03, September 2, 2012 (UTC)
Icecreamdif: Feel free to doubt. I didn't say these were likelihoods, only possibilities. However, Peter Purves played a tourist in the very same story (The Chase) in which he joined the regular cast as companion. It's still possible Oswin has no connection with the companion-to-be, even though it's pretty unlikely.
LiaThorngrove: "Who's to say she doesn't just Emergency Shift off the rock before they blow it up[?]" The only Daleks we've ever seen using Emergency Temporal Shift were the 4 members of the Cult of Skaro. They were very, very special Daleks. Considering that the Daleks had needed & been using the Asylum for a very long time &, at various times, have also suffered a few rebellions, Emergency Temporal Shift is not the kind of ability the Dalek authorities would want to be generally available. The very fact that we've not seen any other Dalek use Emergency Temporal Shift, no matter how useful it would have been, strongly suggests (although it doesn't prove) they don't have it & that it was unique to the Cult of Skaro. The use of teleport facilities, shown in the episode, also suggests (without proving) the same thing. Why have teleports, if they could Emergency Shift?
A more likely escape method for Oswin would be to teleport at the same time as the Doctor. She'd have to move fast but any escape method requires that; she didn't have much time. The teleport would be detected & she'd expect that. That's why it would have to be at the the same time as the Doctor teleported & would also need to be from the same origin (no problem as she was already there) to the same destination. That destination was a large Dalek ship -- a good hiding place for a Dalek, especially one who could "persuade" the computer systems she was authorised to be there. Having the same time & end-points as the Doctor's teleport would mean that her teleport would be indistingushable from & thus "covered by" his. -- to me 20:47, September 2, 2012 (UTC)