Rose Tyler

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File:Rose Tyler.jpg
Rose on the night she met the Doctor. (DW: Rose)

One night,

were knighted for defeating a werewolf, but immediately banned as a threat the British Empire. (DW: Tooth and Claw).  This incident prompted Queen Victoria to found the Torchwood Institute in order to address future alien threats--including the Doctor.

Back in her own vhjwdyefgt3217eyvbsdjkbvhnsjkfbvqhj bdvh bvnhejvhdbvcg, she nearly sacrificed herself to make sure every last Dalek and Cybermen were sucked into the Void. Thanks to the timely rescue of Pete Tyler from Pete's World, Rose was alive, but was forever separated from the Doctor. (DW: Doomsday)

Life after the Doctor

Rose lived with Pete Tyler, her mother Jackie, and Mickey in their home on Pete's World. She received a dream-like contact from the Doctor, which guided her to Dålig Ulv Stranden (Bad Wolf Bay) beach in Norway. The Doctor sent his last farewells through the closing gaps between the worlds, burning up a star to send the signal through. He informed her that on her Earth, Rose was officially dead. Rose informed the Doctor that she now worked for Torchwood in this alternative world, and that Jackie was again pregnant. Rose finally broke down and confessed her love for the Doctor, but the Doctor did not have a chance to reciprocate his feelings, but he was cut off abruptly (and later seen crying in the TARDIS). Rose was last seen standing on the beach crying while her mother comforts her. (DW: Doomsday) Some time later, Jackie gave birth to Rose's baby brother, Tony.


Doctor, she is returning.Lucius. [The Fires of Pompeii [src]]

In 2009, after dealing with the Adipose, Donna Noble asked a blonde-haired woman to tell her mother that she left her car keys in "that bin". After Donna's departure, the woman turned around to reveal herself as Rose Tyler. She walked off, eventually fading away. (DW: Partners in Crime)

When the Doctor and Donna were conversing with two psychics in 79AD Pompeii, one of them notes that "She is returning.". This appears to be a foreshadowing to Rose's return later on. (DW: The Fires of Pompeii)

When saying goodbye to Ood Sigma, the ood said, "I think your song must end soon... Every song must end." A clip of Rose's parting music from DW: Doomsday (called "Doomsday" on the Original Television Soundtrack) is played.

When Donna Noble was in the TARDIS during the Sontaran Invasion, she looked at the screen, and for a few seconds Rose's face popped up on the screen calling for the Doctor. (DW: The Poison Sky) The image is also seen in "Captain Jack's Monster Files", during the file for the Hath. Also, in The Library there is a picture of a blonde girl on the girl's wall with a picture of a wolf next to it. This may be Rose Tyler and a reference to Bad Wolf. (DW: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead).

Most recently, on the planet Midnight, Rose appeared on a screen in the shuttlebus. She did not speak aloud but it appeared that she was shouting the word "Doctor!", though the message was silent. It was not clear that anyone on the bus noticed. (DW: Midnight)

Rose reveals to Donna Noble that she can travel between worlds and alternate timelines. She appears at several points in Donna's alternate timeline:

  • On Christmas Eve 2007, the day on which the Doctor--lacking Donna to pull him back--was killed while fighting the Racnoss;
  • The night Donna was sacked, in order to warn her about the coming devastation of London on Christmas Day 2008;
  • The evening that the Sontaran plan to attack the Earth through Atmos systems (c.f. The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky) was thwarted by Torchwood 3 at the cost of their lives;
  • Approximately three weeks later, when Donna finally relented and decided to follow Rose, who revealed the Time Beetle on Donna's back and explained to her what she must do to restore the other timeline.

Donna agrees, and is sent back to force her past self to turn left and not right on that fateful day in June 2007, and so work at H.C. Clements and set up her meeting with the Doctor six months later. Donna does so, at the cost of her life, and Rose whispers a message to her as she dies: Bad Wolf. (DW: Turn Left)

Defending Our Earth

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Rose comes back to stop the darkness.

Rose teleported to our world only to find it being invaded, she quickly finds access to the Daleks message of EXTERMINATE and is visibly upset at hearing it. Later on she locates Wilf and Sylvia hoping they know where The Doctor and Donna are, however they do not and suddenly Harriet Jones appears on Wilf's computer. Rose assumes that Harriet is trying to contact her, but when she tries to talk to Harriet she finds that she cannot as there is no camera or microphone on the computer and so Harriet is only connecting to Sarah Jane Smith, Jack Harkness and Martha Jones. Rose watches on as they manage to bring The Doctor to Earth and uses her transmat device to lock onto the TARDIS and teleport to him.

She arrives in a deserted street with only The Doctor and Donna at the other end. The Doctor and Rose run towards each other, but as he nears her a Dalek fires upon The Doctor, mortally wounding him. With Donna and Jack's help, they manage to get him to the TARDIS where he begins to regenerate, much to Rose's distress. The Doctor managed to retain his tenth form, by pouring the regeneration energy into his severed hand. This, with the help of a touch from Donna, created a new Doctor who was half human.

Rose reappeared on the normal Earth through a dimension cannon as the barriers between worlds had weakened. This allowed her to be reunited with the Doctor and together, with the aid of the new Doctor and the other companions, they succeeded in defeating the New Dalek Empire. However, the Doctor had to return her to the parallel Earth along with her mother but this time without Mickey Smith who decided to return home.

The original Doctor decided he had to leave the new Doctor on the parallel Earth since he was too dangerous as he had exterminated the Dalek race. He told Rose that she was the only one who could make him a better man, as she had before. Rose was reluctant to stay back but the original Doctor said that the new Doctor had all his memories, thoughts and was "him," albeit part human. The half human Doctor had only one heart, and as a result would be able to age, and never regenerate. Being part human, he was able to say things the original Doctor could not. He was able to tell her that he wanted to spend his life with her and for them to grow old together. Still feeling as if this was unfair to the original Doctor, she asked both what the last thing they would have said to her would have been when she was first trapped on the parallel Earth. Because he is purely a Time Lord and unwaveringly self sacrificing, the original Doctor said that she knew what his answer was, but would not answer her. The new Doctor, having that little bit of human in him, had the ability to whisper to her what he would have said, and will always feel. Hearing these words, she knew this was still her Doctor, even if not the "original", and they joyously and passionately kiss. Though it broke the original Doctor's heart to lose her, he knew that in reality he was finally getting his girl, and quietly walked back to the TARDIS. When Rose and the new Doctor heard the TARDIS leaving, her heart broke for the original, and she ran towards the disappearing police box. But her Doctor was there to take her hand, and finally begin a life never thought possible... One where two soulmates could finally be together forever.

And so begins the new life of Rose Tyler and her half human Time Lord (see human Doctor ) on the parallel earth known as Pete's World.


Rose has shown herself to be a quick-witted, inquisitive and compassionate young woman, who was quick to adapt despite being thrown into strange events. She fell easily into the role of the Doctor's latest companion and showed both determination and courage while facing various alien threats. It is also obvious that she cares deeply about the Doctor, although she originally denied any infatuation with or romantic feelings towards him, despite indications to the contrary on several occasions. In their what seemed like their final meeting on the beach, she told the Doctor that she loved him; he began to reply, but only got out the words "Rose Tyler" before he was cut off.

Mysteries and Discrepancies

The Doctor states that Rose is nineteen years old (DW:The Unquiet Dead, DW:Dalek), and it is later established that she met the Doctor on 6 March 2005 (DW: Aliens of London). However, the Annual article states that Rose was born on 27 April 1987. Although this contradicts the age as stated on screen (she would have been 17 when she met the Doctor, not 19), it is consistent with the appearance of the baby Rose in "Father's Day," set in November 1987, where the baby is clearly no more than a few months old. The 27th April birthdate is also inconsistent with a statement on the BBC's website: during the lead-up to the episode "Bad Wolf," the website was altered to tie in with the story's Big Brother theme, and a "contestant portrait" for Rose stated that she was an Aries.

Behind the Scenes

"Tyler" is a common name in the works of writer and producer Russell T. Davies, who has used it as the surname of a family that features heavily in his Virgin New Adventures Doctor Who novel, Damaged Goods. He has also used the name as the surname for several other characters in various series, such as Ruth Tyler in Revelations, Vince Tyler in Queer as Folk, and Johnny Tyler in The Second Coming.

Among those who auditioned for the role of Rose Tyler was actress Georgia Moffett, daughter of Fifth Doctor actor Peter Davison. Moffett went on to play Jenny, the Doctor's daughter, in Series 4. Actress Julia Joyce, at the age of seven, portrayed "Young Rose" in "Father's Day".

The title of the first episode of Season 27, "Rose", is a references to the character's name and she is the first character to appear in that episode. Therefore, she is also, simultaneously the first character to appear in Season 27 and the first to have been seen in a Doctor Who television episode for nine years (given the interval between the 1996 Doctor Who television movie and "Rose").

After Rose was written out of Doctor Who at the end of Season 28, Russell T. Davies considered giving the character her own 90-minute spin-off production, Rose Tyler: Earth Defence, with the possibility of such a special becoming an annual Bank Holiday event. Although the special was officially commissioned, Davies changed his mind and decided that such a return, wherein the audience would be able to see Rose when the Doctor could not, would spoil her final scenes in Doctor Who. The production was consequently canceled.

Sam Tyler, the lead character in the BBC's other time-travel drama, Life on Mars, was named after Rose. Reportedly, the lead character's surname was suggested by the young daughter of Life of Mars co-creator, Matthew Graham, after her father had asked her to choose the character's surname. She had ultimately decided upon "Tyler" because of Rose, a fact only later discovered by her father, who eventually went on to write the Doctor Who episode "Fear Her".

Since Series Three, the BBC has confirmed that Rose will return in Series Four of Doctor Who. It has been said that Donna Noble receives a message from Rose in a dream. Rose apparently tells her that the parallel world has splintered. She tells her to inform the doctor. Later, it was confirmed by Russell T Davies in Doctor Who Magazine that this return had been planned since she left.

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