Dalek Council

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The Dalek Council was the governing body of the Daleks on Skaro. They convened in chambers on the fourth Level of the City. They were presumably destroyed when their power was drained away. (TV: The Daleks)

A Dalek Supreme was identified as "one of the supreme council", which may be related to the Dalek Council. (TV: Planet of the Daleks)

In (The Parting of the ways) inside the dalek flagship above the Emperor Dalek there was a circular platform that contained a few dozen daleks that seemed to be standing in front of some sort of computer or structure that resembeled thrones. These daleks could possibly be a new dalek council the Emperor created when he made new daleks out of dead humans

In an alternate timeline where the New Dalek Paradigm conquered Earth, the Supreme Council Chambers were located in Kaalann. (GAME: City of the Daleks)

At least two Strategist Daleks were seen in the Council room. They were likely part of the Supreme Council.

In a later stage of the New Dalek Paradigm, the Dalek Council appeared to have been replaced by the Parliament of the Daleks, led by the Dalek Prime Minister, then the Supreme Dalek below him, along with a Strategist Dalek, several Drone Daleks, and hundreds of drones of a design resembling those from the Last Great Time War. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

Behind the scenes

According to REF: Doctor Who: The Dalek Handbook, a non-narrative source, the Daleks established a Council during their recovery after the Great Civil War on Skaro.

According to REF: Doctor Who: Aliens and Enemies, a non-narrative source, the Dalek Emperor's Personal Guard made up the "High Council of Daleks", of which the Dalek Supreme was also a member.
