Verdigris (novel)

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You may wish to consult Verdigris for other, similarly-named pages.

Verdigris was the thirtieth BBC Past Doctor Adventures novel. It featured the Third Doctor, Jo Grant and Iris Wildthyme. This was the first full length past Doctor novel to feature Iris Wildthyme. She had previously appeared in the full length Eighth Doctor novels PROSE: The Scarlet Empress and The Blue Angel.

Publisher's summary

Jo Grant had no inkling of the ship that revolved in orbit like a discreet, preposterous thought in the mind of someone serene but bonkers.

High above London and its crust of smog, stretched tall above the soapy atmosphere of the Earth, is a ship the size and exact shape of St Pancra railway station.

On board, the Doctor and that mysterious lady adventurer, Iris Wildthyme, are bargaining for their lives with creatures determined to infiltrate the 1970s in the guise of characters from nineteenth-century novels.

Without the help of UNIT, the Doctor and his friends face the daunting task of defeating aliens, marauding robot sheep, the mysterious Children of Destiny and... the being who calls himself Verdigris.


to be added



Foods and beverages

The Doctor



  • The Doctor takes Jo to his country house, which is thirty miles from Thisis.
  • He had also taken Jo to his house in Kent, his flat in London and a caravan he has in the highlands of Scotland.


  • Iris summoned Verdigris from the planet Makorna.
  • The Doctor and Iris agree that the Nurses of Ionicaiy Six would go to the trouble of kidnapping humans simply to play doctors and nurses.
  • In Tom's first trip with Iris she took him to the planet Calgoria.




  • Paul Magrs crafts Iris Wildthyme as a sort of 'anti-Doctor'. She drinks, smokes, and generally kidnaps her companions. Also her companions are more or less opposite to the Doctor's: Jenny, the lesbian traffic warden who "got the runs" as they went through the vortex, and Tom, the black gay guy whom she also kidnapped.
  • Then there are the adventures she had which are similar...but not to the Doctor's.



Placement of this story is complicated given the various references throughout the book.

  • Iris mentions when the Doctor's TARDIS fell off the cliff (see continuity), which means in theory this occurs before TV: The Curse of Peladon.
  • However, the Master is not in prison so this story must take place after TV: The Sea Devils.
At the end of the novel Verdigris travels to the anti-matter universe to make Omega aware of the Doctor, leading to events in The Three Doctors.

External links