Howling:Production Errors

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The Howling → Production Errors
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Why is it that every time the production crew makes an error, someone has to think up a reason for it in-universe. Why can't they just accept the fact that the simple reason is someone made a mistake. Why confuse matters by spending unnecessary time thinking up an excuse that is untrue? Just accept it-the crew make mistakes and we just have to ignore or accept them. --Coop3 23:18, June 28, 2013 (UTC)

Plain and simple: because it's fun and because no one sitting at home and watching this incessantly has anything better to do with their time, or if they do, then they obviously aren't. Also, with a universe as complex, unexplained, and wobbly-wobbly as the Whoniverse, anything might be possible. You just never know. —BioniclesaurKing4t2 - "Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically, . . . run." 00:03, June 29, 2013 (UTC)
Because we're fans, we're supposed to support the show where possible not pull it to pieces. Plus production errors have been called in the past and thern turned out to be no such thing. <cough>Flesh And Stone<cough>DCT 12:47, June 29, 2013 (UTC)

But that's my point. We shouldn't draw attention to the errors because then they become like beacons which other people with notice next time they watch the episode which they probably wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Most people like me do not notice these are we are too involved in the plot to care for something stupid like the clock in flesh and stone. I mean the one that changes from 11:59 AM on 6/25 to 12:00 PM on 6/26. This is a simple mistake and most people wouldn't even have noticed it without being told. But these people who only watch programmes to notice these mistakes obviously would have spotted this as they don't care for the show or the story, just the mistakes. Like they wouldn't make mistakes when you take the time to think how complex each story is and how difficult it is to make one. Just be good to the writers and don't point out their mistakes. --Coop3 19:45, July 2, 2013 (UTC)

Another point is the one regarding actors coming back for multi doctor stories. Why cant people just accept the doctor looks older than they did because the bloody actor has aged. Then Steven moffat(nothing against him) had to make up something stupid about time differential. It didn't need explaining as any person of normal intelligence would know the actor has simply aged. There is nothing we can do about this so why cant people just accept it. David tenant will be older(obviously) when he comes back for the 50th anniversary and the real and only reason is because it has been 3 years since he played the doctor, not because of any time related phenomenon. --Coop3 19:45, July 2, 2013 (UTC)

But the story being told takes place in the Whoniverse, in which untold amounts of timey-wimey things are happening all over the place, so regardless of whether or not someone cares enough about actors' age differences to need an in-universe explanation, one is bound to exist. That's even more the 'plain and simple truth' than the actors merely getting older, especially because Doctor Who is a story in which these things can actually be satisfactorily explained, unlike some other shows that are more strictly held in place by the overrated concept of 'established, guaranteed, and unchangeable reality'. —BioniclesaurKing4t2 - "Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically, . . . run." 22:35, July 2, 2013 (UTC)