Dalek test subject

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{{Infobox Species

|name = Dalek |type = Cyborg |affiliation = Dalek Empire |origin = Skaro |appearance = The Genocide Machine (audio story)

The test subject was created to download the internet of the wetworks chamber. The Scientist Daleks began to download the internet into the first test subject, but the machine malfunctioned and the test subject was out of control. With too information, it became insane and mad with power! It fired rapidly and broke out of the clamps. It hurtled off into the corridors, screaming in agony and firing at random as its fellow Daleks pursued it. As the Daleks brought in the Seventh Doctor, the sickened Elgin had no choice but to connect the Doctor to the retrieval interface, and the Daleks prepare to download the wetworks' data into a second test subject. This time, the natural neural buffers within the Doctor's Time Lord brain were capable of handling, filtering and compressing the rapid data flow, and the Dalek test subject survived -- and acquires the accumulated knowledge of the entire Universe. But the agony was too much for the Doctor to bear, and the grief-stricken Elgin discovered that the process had killed him. As the Dalek test subject assimilated the knowledge it had acquired, the Dalek Supreme returned to the mothership to report the success of the operation... and to prepared to destroy the Kar-Charrat facility behind them. The Insane Dalek test subject was on the run in the library of Kar-Charrat. As the furious Dalek Supreme ordered the test subject to obey, Ace managed to plant explosives on the wetworks storage units, and when the Dalek Supreme noticed what she was doing, the test subject opened fire upon it, refusing to let it harm Ace. Life must be protected, not exterminated. As the Daleks opened fire on the rebellious test subject, the Doctor sets the data retrieval unit to download at the moment the explosives blow, and retreats to the TARDIS with Ace.

The Dalek Supreme retreated to the mothership and fled, and although the test subject was finally destroyed by a Special Weapons Dalek, the remaining Daleks had no time to defuse Ace's explosives. The data storage units triggered a download just as the tanks were smashed open by the explosives, and the Kar-Charratians were freed at last. The remaining Daleks were drowned within their casings by the vengeful Kar-Charratians. The Dalek Supreme was forced to retreat, and to report failure to the Emperor Dalek. The infuriated Emperor ordered it to place the Chief Scientist in command and to self-destruct itself, which it did.