Papal Mainframe

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Revision as of 06:21, 26 December 2013 by Ragestorm (talk | contribs)
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The Papal Mainframe was a space church, led by the Mother Superious Tasha Lem. When a mysterious message that filled the higher species with feat spread to every corner of space and time, the Papal Mainframe was the first ship to arrive at Trenzalore, the source of the message, and shielded it so that nobody could land, though unknown to them, the Weeping Angels had beat them to the planet.

Tasha Lem at some point deciphered the message herself and summoned the Doctor and Clara Oswald to Mainframe in response to the message. Feigning ignorance as to its contents, she sent them down to the planet to discover the truth themselves.

Upon discovering that the message was the First Question, sent by the Time Lords from their pocket universe, Tasha Lem communicated to the Doctor that if he took action to save the Time Lords, he would cause the fleets above to destroy them. The Doctor refused to allow The Mainframe to destroy the planet and spent the next 300 years defending it. The Papal Mainframe also busied themselves with keeping the peace amongst the various species that remained in orbit. Tasha Lem officially changed the core tenets of the Papal Mainframe's constituent chapter so that they became dedicated to ensuring that silence would fall in response to the question, effectively turning the Papal Mainframe into Church of the Silence.

By the time of the Doctor and Clara's next visit to the Mainframe, it had been largely overrun by the Daleks, who converted most of the crew, including Lem herself, into puppets. However, with the Doctor's assistance, Tasha managed to resist the Daleks' control and take back the Church, and spend the remainder of conflict coordinating the Papal Mainframe and the Silence against the Daleks. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Colonel Manton lowered the hoods of the headless monks on the authority of the Papal Mainframe — an act that was otherwise a level 1 heresy. At the time Manton took the action at Demons Run, the Papal Mainframe was also commanded by a woman,(TV: A Good Man Goes to War) although it is unknown if this was Tasha Lem or another Mother Superious.

Behind the scenes