The Waters of Mars (TV story)
"The Waters of Mars" is an upcoming Doctor Who special which is due to air "around November-ish". Russel T Davies confirmed it on BBC Breakfast on 7 April 200, when he came to talk about Planet of the Dead.
The Doctor - David Tennant Adelaide - Lindsay Duncan Ood Sigma - Paul Kasey
Notes & Rumours
- A producer for the BBC has said that Adelaide will be the doctor's smartest and most strong minded companion yet, since the show was revived in 2005 - The Ood are said the return - There are pictures of a robot called GADGET, which is said to be one of the NASA type spacecrafts searching for water on Mars - The title "The Waters of Mars" is interestingly an anagram of "The wars of masters" - The Master is rumored to return for this special, played by John Simm
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