Chloe Webber

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I just want to tell you before you see her that she is a great kid.Trish Webber to the Doctor [Fear Her [src]]

Chloe Webber is a girl in 2012 that was possesed by an Isolus.


Early Life

She always got the worst of her father.Trish Webber [Fear Her [src]]

Chloe Webber was born to Trish Webber and a unamed father. When she was young, as Trish claims, Chloe had always got the worst off her violent father. This was the main cause of her nightmares. When she went to school, she was a good student whom got great results in her report card. She was very alone because her mother did not want to talk about her father's death. (DW: Fear Her)


Why are you frightened of her, Trish?The Doctor [Fear Her [src]]

The Isolus used Chloe's creativity to capture people and keep them trapped in drawings. When Rose Tyler found the Isolus pod and threw it into the Olympic Torch, this caused the Isolus to leave Chloe Webber, releasing all the people she had captured. (DW: Fear Her)

See also

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