Doctor Who (IDW)

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Launch issue January 2008
Published by IDW Publishing.
Every Monthly priced $3.99 (USA)


  • Doctor Who, from IDW Publishing, is a USA only title building on the success of the new-Who television series.
  • Unlike earlier USA Doctor Who comics this new title featured all-new, full colour comic strip action for the Tenth Doctor (and Martha Jones) from some of America's top artists and colourists, as well as providing new cover artwork.
  • It was one of two titles launched in the 2007/2008 period (the other being Doctor Who Classics launched in December 2007, and featured the reprinting and re-colouring of the Fourth Doctor's comic strip adventures from the pages of Doctor Who Magazine). The first issue's publication was delayed until February 2008.
  • Each issue regularly features some 32 full colour quality printed pages of which 22 featured an original adventure, next issue page, IDWords (news and interviews from IDW Publishing), and 9 pages promoting other titles.
  • The first six-issue mini-series includes some references to the televised series, such as the cat people from New Earth who appear in several issues. This first arc was written by longtime Doctor Who fan/writer and new-series script editor Gary Russell.
  • The first mini-series' six issues do not carry episode/chapter titles, making this one of the first elements of the Doctor Who franchise to not use story titles.
  • Although published long after the character left the series, Martha Jones appears in the initial story arc and The Forgotten, as well as several of the one-shots.


Cover Gallery

Follow the links below for coverage of each issue with contents and further information.

External inks

  1. The IDW publishing site with news, information and previews of all its titles].
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