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RiffTrax is an American production company specialising in "riffing" existing films. In 2013, RiffTrax released riffed VOD editions of Dr. Who and the Daleks and Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.. In 2017, Rifftrax announced plans for a Rifftrax Live show riffing The Five Doctors, set for theatrical simulcast in August.


RiffTrax's releases feature comedians poking fun at films in satirical commentary tracks. The project is a conceptual spinoff of cult television series Mystery Science Theater 3000, and stars former lead actors and writers of that programme, as well as Big Finish contributors Ian Potter and Matthew Elliott.


Some of RiffTrax's riff releases take the form of standalone audio files the viewer plays in sync with their own separately-acquired copy of the targeted film, avoiding the need for RiffTrax to secure release rights to the film itself.

Other RiffTrax releases, including both Dalek movies, have had all necessary release rights negotiated and are made available as full streaming and downloadable Video On Demand editions of the complete films with applied RiffTrax commentary. RiffTrax does not sell the original unriffed films.

RiffTrax also performs live theatrical riffings in events simulcast to cinemas throughout the United States and Canada, and often released later as a VOD. On 17 August 2017 they performed a live riff of The Five Doctors, with an encore showing 24th August 2017,[1] but this riff has not yet been made available in recorded form.

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