Talk:Dalek X
The Picture of Dalek X
As far as I am aware, Dalek X is never frozen in the novel Prisoner of the Daleks. In fact, it is another Dalek that is frozen at the beginning of the story, before Dalek X is even involved. Therefore, the picture of the frozen Dalek featured on the cover of the novel is not an image of Dalek X.
Can anyone confirm this? If it is true, then it would seem that the picture should be removed.
--Slartibarto 20:52, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
I can, I'm near the end, not finished, but where I've got too :::SPOILERS:::Dalek X is destroyed:::SPOILERS END:::, plus he is described as being black where the normal Dalek's are gold, except for the spheres and slats on the weapons platform, which are gold, so he's sort of like the un-named type of Dalek in this toy set : Drophyd167b 19:56, October 25, 2009 (UTC)