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Telepathy is a psychic ability which allows mind-to-mind communication, the term can also be used to describe and is linked mind control and certain types of hypnosis. Telepathy can take the form of an exchange of images, experiences, associated emotions, and mind-to-mind "conversation" between two or more individuals, however it is possible for a skilled telepath to monitor the minds of others without being detected. Some species and individuals can use their telepathy at a distance, but others need to be in close-proximity, and others need to touch the subject they wish to "Read". Time Lords, for example, tend to be touch-telepaths, but aren't always limited in this fashion.

Telepathy is a more fully-developed mental ability than Empathy, which simply allows one to sense the emotions of another.

TARDISes such as the Doctor's Type 40 have telepathic abilities from dedicated systems known as Telepathic circuits; among other functions, these translate any language for the passengers.

A rare mineral known as Matricite can block telepathy. (PDA: Synthespians™)

On Yemaya 4 in 2257 several human colonists develop telepathic and telekinetic abilities. (NA: Sleepy)

Telepathic species

Species known to have telepathic powers include:

Individuals with ability

Devices to facilitate telepathy

