Why the move? / Article title
This article was originally titled Radio Times Doctor Who 2005-2010 Special, which was clearly incorrect as that is not what the cover title of the publication is. I went with Doctor Who: David Tennant and the Regeneration Years 2005-2010 rather than including Radio Times in the title because a) it became a bit cumbersome and b) it's sort of like we don't use titles like BBC Books: The Monsters Inside when referring to books published by BBC Books. I see the RT title as being a label more than actually part of the title. If someone disagrees and wants to go for the full-out RT title, be my guest. The original title was incorrect in any event. 23skidoo 14:04, March 16, 2010 (UTC)
- Wow, this is quite a mouthful of a title. Is it really the only possibility? What's the name on the inside? Is there an indicia title? If there's not, and it really is "David Tenannt and the Regeneration Years (2005-2010)", the "Doctor Who" should be dropped. We don't conventionally put "Doctor Who" at the front of publication titles, else every book would have that prefix, as in Doctor Who: Autopia, or the like. Can someone check the publication interior thoroughly for the legal name of the publication? Surely the legal name would have the words "Radio Times", which I think would be helpful in actually identifying the item.
- Another problem is that the "cover title" isn't, apparently, universal. Here's a shot of a version where the title is merely Radio Times: Doctor Who 2005-2010, minus any mention of David Tennant. Here's a link to a closed Ebay auction where the picture is even bigger, and you can obviously see that it's a photograph of an actual magazine, not a proof copy of the artwork. Look at the lower left-hand corner; you can see actual height to the picture, and a little wrinkle on the spine. YOu can also see that there's curvature along the top edge of the book, which you wouldn't get if it were just artwork proof.