The Garm
The Garm was a formidable humanoid of vaguely canine appearance who lived in the Forbidden Zone of Terminus.
Unknown to some, he could speak, and his fearsome appearance concealed a harmless nature. He was in charge of the decontamination procedure for Lazar's disease.
The Garm was imported from a radioactive planet. (PROSE: Terminus)
The Vanir used a control box which generated sonic waves to control him. He had great strength and the power to ignore energy weapons fired at him. He healed Nyssa by placing her in a decontamination chamber where radiation could cure her of Lazar's disease.
The Garm helped the Fifth Doctor by using his great strength to prevent Terminus's engines from re-activating and possibly ending the universe. The Doctor then destroyed the control box enslaving the Garm, freeing him to work with Nyssa to develop a proper cure. (TV: Terminus)
Behind the scenes
- Garm is the name of a dog in Norse mythology that guarded the entrance to Hel, the land of the dead.