Howling:5 things to look for: finale Doctor

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The Howling → 5 things to look for: finale Doctor
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This one's been mentioned all over fandom, and it's interesting enough to watch for.

The theory is that in the 2-part finale, the Doctor will go back to the first 11 episodes--and some of the scenes with the Doctor that we see in these first 11 episodes are actually the finale Doctor going back into his past.

Each of these has other explanations (although in FaS the only good explanation seems to be "serious production error"), but let me ignore those and just list the scenes and how the theory explains them.

  • The Eleventh Hour: When little Amelia hears the TARDIS in the night, then it fades to grown-up Amy hearing the TARDIS in the night. This scene is juxtaposing finale-Doctor actually coming back to give Amelia a message (which he somehow gets her to forget until the time is right) and current-Doctor coming back to pick Amy up.
  • The Beast Below: Why did Liz 10 know that the Doctor would do "the glass thing"? Because finale-Doctor came back earlier and put a glass on the ground. Liz 10 tried to figure out why anyone would do such a thing, which is how she figured out that there are no engines, and also how she figured out that he must have been the legendary Doctor. (Also, look at 12:40, where the current-Doctor sees a glass on the floor and seems to be puzzled about why it's there.)
  • Victory of the Daleks: ??? (Yay, another excuse to watch it again.:))
  • The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone: This is the one that got everyone started on the whole theory. The Doctor lost his jacket, and ran around without it. And then, in the scene where he tells Amy to remember what he told her when he was 7, he's wearing a jacket. And not even the same jacket; he wears the light one in TToA/FoS, but the dark one in this scene. And his sleeves are rolled up. And his interaction with Amy is much kinder than what we've seen in the first 5 episodes. And the significance of the "Time can be rewritten!" line is either that he's just started to plan out what he's going to do, or he's just realized that a future self of his is already running around doing so (and maybe that explains something odd he's seen--like the glass in TBB).

So, why would the Doctor be running around through his own past like this? Either to fix what's broken, or to fix Amy so she can save the universe or avoid destroying it, or just to set things up that he's going to need for the big showdown.

Of course this last possibility is straight out of Moffat's first-ever Who work, The Curse of Fatal Death, so, if he actually does that one, I'd love to see a tiny throwaway reference. (I can't think of a good one--farting, referring to Amy's "etheric beam locators" being very firm, etc. would all be totally out of place. But there's a reason Moffat got the job instead of me.:)) --Falcotron 15:13, May 6, 2010 (UTC)

I like it! And SM said he wanted to stories that actually used time travel effectively...RUMyMommy 17:38, May 6, 2010 (UTC)