South America

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

South America is an Earth continent. It's like America, only southern.

The black orchid is only found here. (DW: Black Orchid)

The Doctor was going to live in Paradise Falls, which is located in South America. At the time he may or may not have been a balloon salesman.

He married Emma Pillsury for some unknown reason, much like the unknown reasons for Martha supposedly marrying Mickey only Emma and the Doctor

were actually happy. ANYWAY. So stuff happened and then Emma, whose name is ironically close to Ellie, died. This was sad because Ten and Emma

had never gotten to go to Paradise Falls.

So the Doctor went by himself to Paradise Falls after Dalek Caan tried to put him in an old folks home. There he met a snipe..bird thing, a wilderness explorer,

and Martha, who was a talking dog.

South America