The Ghost of Margaret was the sixth and final story of the twelfth series of The Fourth Doctor Adventures, produced by Big Finish Productions. It was written by Tim Foley and featured Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, Louise Jameson as Leela and Nerys Hughes as Margaret Hopwood.
Publisher's summary
The journey has been long, but it’s time for Margaret to come home.
Or is it a different time entirely? Reunited with a ghost from her past, she finds herself in a whole new world.
The Doctor and Leela are about to discover that people don’t always leave easily...
Part one
to be added
Part two
to be added
- Cover Art - Ryan Aplin
- Director - Nicholas Briggs
- Executive Producer - Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs
- Music - Jamie Robertson
- Producer - David Richardson
- Script Editor - John Dorney
- Sound Design - Toby Hrycek-Robinson
- Writer - Tim Foley
to be added
to be added
External links
- Official The Ghost of Margaret page at