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The Krafayis were a species of space-faring predators.


The Krafayis are a race of bird like creatures who originate from all over the universe. Their life is similar to one of a birds or vultures. They are raised and then voyage forever attacking and defending its fellow race. It is invisible to the naked eye but could be seen by Vincent Van Gogh; gor unknown reasons. The Doctor used a device that can identify species when it is seen in a mirror. The Krafayis could be viewed through the reflection of the mirror, but whether the species is only visible through reflections or the device is actually designed to see these kinds of aliens is unknown.(DW: Vincent and the Doctor)

File:The Krafayis.png
The Krafayis Infomation

Life cycle

During their early life they are nurtured in a similar way as a bird would be. After several hundred years, they embark on a never ending voyage with up to three thousand other Krafayis journeying across the universe and devouring creatures they find. (DW: Vincent and the Doctor)


The Krafayis have travelled the universe since the late Dark Times and have a unique defence system where they cannot be seen by the naked eye. They have voyaged across the universe in packs and devouring many life forms. One was left behind on Earth and was scavanging on humans. Early on it was revealed that this Krafayis could only be seen by Vincent Van Gogh and the Doctor's mirror. The Doctor and Amy Pond had travelled back in time after the Doctor spotted the Krafayis in one of Van Gogh's paintings noting that "I know evil when I see it and that is evil." Initially it was believed that the Krafayis was an extremely ferocious "Monster" that kept on killing humans until it was killed itself however when the creature had cornered the Doctor, Amy & Vincent in the room of a church the Doctor noticed that it was blind and had no hostile intentions but rather it was scared at being alone isolated from it's kind stranded on earth. Unfortunately by the time the Doctor had figured it out the scared creature charged towards Van Gogh who tried to ward it off with a sharp frame which impaled the creature. As the Creature laid there dying Vincent noted that "It wasn't without mercy at all but without sight" showing great remorse for hurting it while the Doctor tried to relax the scared Krafayis shortly before it died of its wounds.(DW: Vincent and the Doctor)