Taaron Ka

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The Taaron Ka was a diamond with a long and complicated history, which was encountered by many incarnations of the Doctor.


Early history

At the heart of the Taaron Ka was a spark of anti-temporal matter which gave it its power. This spark moved backwards in time, such that the earliest point of the diamond's history was the last point of the anti-temporal matter's.

About 5,111,105,111 years before the 20th century, the protective shell around the anti-temporal matter wore out and it exploded, creating the Solar System. From a forward-moving temporal perspective, the diamond was thus formed within the Solar System from its conception. (GAME: An Unearthly Power [+]Loading...["An Unearthly Power (game)"])

The Taaron Ka eventually became embedded in a mountain in India. Legends said that it had fallen from the heaven of Svargaloka. (GAME: The Lustre of Starlight [+]Loading...["The Lustre of Starlight (game)"]) The Ice Warriors believed the diamond originated from within a Martian meteorite. (GAME: The Prize of Peladon [+]Loading...["The Prize of Peladon (game)"])

First period on Earth

In 5th century Andhra Pradesh, the diamond was discovered by miners. The First Doctor, Susan Foreman, Ian Chesterton, and Barbara Wright arrived at the mine at the time of the discovery, with Susan complicating the event due to her sensing the diamond's power with her psychic abilities. As a result, the diamond ended up being lost to the sea. (GAME: The Lustre of Starlight [+]Loading...["The Lustre of Starlight (game)"])

The diamond was toured in China in the mid 19th century, during which George Litefoot saw it as a child.

In the 1890s, the diamond was displayed at the National Museum in London. Brian, a rogue Time Agent who stole artefacts from across history, chose this point in time to steal the diamond after being hired by rich employers. Brian attempted this heist on a night when the Fourth Doctor, George Litefoot, and Henry Gordon Jago were also at the exhibition, managing despite them to send the diamond through time to his employers. (GAME: The Curse of Starlight [+]Loading...["The Curse of Starlight (game)"])

Lost across time

Brian's employers were unknown, (GAME: The Curse of Starlight [+]Loading...["The Curse of Starlight (game)"]) but the diamond spent some time adrift chronologically, being in possession of several Time Lords. (GAME: The Dalek Death Diamond [+]Loading...["The Dalek Death Diamond (game)"], Invasion of the Chronovores [+]Loading...["Invasion of the Chronovores (game)"]) The order of these events was unclear.

At some point, the diamond was acquired by the Master, who left it in his TARDIS when it was taken from him by the Third Doctor. The diamond was part of a device the Doctor constructed from the Master's TARDIS's components to try to make the Doctor's TARDIS functional. When the Doctor activated his machine, the diamond connected with TARDIS technology to rip a hole in the Time Vortex, bringing a swarm of baby Chronovores, as well as Petronella Osgood and Kate Stewart, to the Doctor's time. The Master stole the diamond and briefly used it to control the Chronovores, but lost control of the situation, resulting in the diamond getting lost in the Vortex when the hole in time was healed. (GAME: Invasion of the Chronovores [+]Loading...["Invasion of the Chronovores (game)"])

The diamond ended up on the Time Lords' Station Gamma Epsilon in the Time Vortex during the Last Great Time War, where it formed a connection with the Nevermore. The War Doctor and the Rani used the diamond to contact the Nevermore and escaped in the Doctor's TARDIS. (GAME: The Dalek Death Diamond [+]Loading...["The Dalek Death Diamond (game)"])

At some point, the diamond was acquired by the Division, who wanted to protect it while it travelled backwards to the creation of the Solar System, (GAME: An Unearthly Power [+]Loading...["An Unearthly Power (game)"]) but then lost when several Weeping Angels defected from the organisation and hid it on Earth in the Age of the Silurians. The diamond merged with the Bright Angel, giving it power. The Fugitive Doctor and Karvanista destroyed the Bright Angel and used the diamond as a bargaining chip with the Division, who then placed it elsewhere for safekeeping. (GAME: Division of Angels [+]Loading...["Division of Angels (game)"])

In the 39th century, the diamond was uncovered on Pestrelle by Absolutely Qualified Archaeologists Inc. in an ancient abandoned city. The Eighth Doctor took it from them with the intention of bringing it back to Earth. (GAME: The Tick-Tock Kingdom [+]Loading...["The Tick-Tock Kingdom (game)"])

Second period on Earth

In 1944, the diamond was stolen from the British Museum by Nazis to power the Unendlichkeit Kanone. Under order from Winston Churchill, the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler stopped the Nazis and retrieved the diamond. (GAME: The Diamond Heist [+]Loading...["The Diamond Heist (game)"])

In 1950, the Taaron Ka was repatriated to India following their independence from Britain. Krasko attempted to interfere with the diamond's transport, but was stopped by the Thirteenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan, and Dan Lewis, who ensured it reached Jaipur. (GAME: Reparations [+]Loading...["Reparations (game)"])

In 2015, Missy lost a bet to the Storvaan and offered them the diamond as payment. Rather than steal it herself, Missy gave them plans for how to take it from the Gyan Museum in Jaipur. The Twelfth Doctor and Clara Oswald investigated on the advice of Kate Stewart, and managed to trick the Storvaan into leaving with a fake copy of the Taaron Ka. (GAME: Debt Repaid [+]Loading...["Debt Repaid (game)"])

In 2038, the Indian Space Agency intended to plant the diamond on the surface of Mars during their first manned trip to the planet, to signify a piece of India being placed among the stars. After the Eleventh Doctor resolved tensions that arose between the human astronauts and Ice Warriors, the diamond was given to the Martians as a show of peace. (GAME: Search for the Stars [+]Loading...["Search for the Stars (game)"])

Post-Earth history

In the late 21st century, the diamond was integrated into a CyberPlanner used during a CyberFaction invasion of the Icarus, with its power amplifying the abilities of Cybermites. The Second Doctor and his companions removed the diamond, defeating the Cybermen. The diamond was left with Gibson, who had heard of its history and was curious how it had ended up with the Cybermen. (GAME: The Cloud of Death [+]Loading...["The Cloud of Death (game)"])

In the 24th century, Asteroid 3529-7 was rich in diamonds which seemed to have the same properties as the Taaron Ka. The Taaron Ka may have been among them. This asteroid was destroyed in a Sontaran plot. (GAME: The Sontaran Stalemate [+]Loading...["The Sontaran Stalemate (game)"])

In the 26th century, during the Human-Draconian War, the diamond was among the spoils of a Draconian war fleet. (GAME: The Prince's Stone [+]Loading...["The Prince's Stone (game)"])

In the 34th century, the diamond was purchased by the Company, who attempted to use it to destabilize the Solar System. The diamond was made to be discovered by Ice Warriors, causing a disagreement between Mars and Earth because both cultures believed the diamond belonged to them. The diamond was stored at a vault on Peladon while the disagreement was hashed out, with negotiations sabotaged by a Company agent. The Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown stopped the plot and brought peace, but the Doctor was left uncertain who should keep the diamond. (GAME: The Prize of Peladon [+]Loading...["The Prize of Peladon (game)"])


Somehow, the diamond ended up going from a point in the future of the 21st century to a temporal rift around the island of Brittia in the early 21st century. This was where the diamond would be created, at the end of its history.

The Valeyard knew that the diamond was created when a spark of anti-temporal matter followed the First Doctor from Gallifrey and got caught in the temporal rift during the Doctor's first visit to Earth. The Valeyard attempted to absorb the anti-temporal matter into herself in a complicated plot, but with the help of the Division, the Doctors were able to reverse the polarity of the Valeyard's plan such that she became the outer protective shell of the Taaron Ka diamond, which would protect it through the entirety of the history would have already occurred, keeping it safe until the creation of the Solar System. (GAME: An Unearthly Power [+]Loading...["An Unearthly Power (game)"])

Other information

In the 22nd century, the Slitheen family attempted a scam using a fake Taaron Ka. (GAME: Green With Envy [+]Loading...["Green With Envy (game)"])