Transformers Universe

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Revision as of 05:05, 5 December 2024 by Time God Eon (talk | contribs) (→‎Behind the scenes)
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This topic might have a better name.

Transformers' universe (or whatever stylisation we prefer there)? The current name seems a bit weird. Alternatively, we could do Primax 984.20 Gamma, since the franchise seems to go with that.

Talk about it here.

Death's Head battling a robot in this universe, as depicted on the Death's Head Interactive Archive. (COMIC: The Incomplete Death's Head [+]Loading...["The Incomplete Death's Head (comic story)"])

According to Hob's Death's Head Interactive Archive, Death's Head spent time on a parallel universe home to a war between factions of massive robots (COMIC: The Incomplete Death's Head [+]Loading...["The Incomplete Death's Head (comic story)"]) who, according to another source, were known as the Transformers. (COMIC: Meet Death's Head [+]Loading...["Meet Death's Head (comic story)"])


After some time on Scarvix, Death's Head was mysteriously captured and transported through a warp gate by an unknown person to this universe. In order to battle, Death's Head's size was drastically increased. (COMIC: The Incomplete Death's Head [+]Loading...["The Incomplete Death's Head (comic story)"])

At one point, Death's Head followed Galvatron, a mechanoid and a Transformer, into Earth's past in search of a bounty.

He later battled and, according to him, defeated a vast planet-devouring Transformer by attacking him on the psychic plane. (COMIC: Meet Death's Head [+]Loading...["Meet Death's Head (comic story)"]) However, the gravity well of the collapsing mechanoid sent Death's Head accelerating him at "trans-temporal speeds" into the Time Vortex. (COMIC: The Incomplete Death's Head [+]Loading...["The Incomplete Death's Head (comic story)"]) There, he collided with the Seventh Doctor in his TARDIS. The Doctor shrunk Death's Head back to human size with a spare Tissue Compression Eliminator and dumped him in the year 8162. (COMIC: The Crossroads of Time [+]Loading...["The Crossroads of Time (comic story)"])

The Doctor later claimed to have been the one who had brought Death's Head to what he dubbed "the robot universe", in order to shape his future. (COMIC: The Incomplete Death's Head [+]Loading...["The Incomplete Death's Head (comic story)"]) However, Death's Head once spoke of his encounters with the Transformers as if they were in the same universe as the rest of his adventures. (COMIC: Meet Death's Head [+]Loading...["Meet Death's Head (comic story)"])

Behind the scenes

Though never mentioned explicitly in The Incomplete Death's Head [+]Loading...["The Incomplete Death's Head (comic story)"] due to licencing issues, this universe is in fact that of the Transformers UK comic series. Marvel Comics has numbered it Earth-120185, and within the Transformers franchise it is called Primax 984.20 Gamma. Additionally the future era Galvatron originated from is referred to as Earth-88945 by Marvel and Primax 986.13 Gamma in Transformers.

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