All Aboard! (episode)

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All Aboard! was the seventh special season pass storyline in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts.


Take a relaxing journey in the Temporal Express alongside the Doctor and Bill!


On a train station, the Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts are arguing. The Doctor tells Bill not to use that tone with him, he is old but not that old. Bill says that she’s just saying that maybe he needs a GPS tag or something. The Doctor says that he is a Time Lord and can calculate his location by looking at the stars. Bill asks what his excuse is for losing the TARDIS, to which the Doctor says they were inside a cave. Bill says that Nardole will have a field day with that excuse. The Doctor says that she won't tell him anything he doesn’t know already and asks who she thinks got them the tickets for the train.

The Doctor says that he was sure he fixed the recall circuit this time around. Bill asks him if he is sure as she always forgets things. He says he is sure and that something must have blocked the signal, as a voice behind them welcomes them to the station. The Doctor greets the individual, introducing himself and Bill. The individual introduces himself as the Station Master, saying he is pleased to make their acquaintance. Bill asks if he can tell them when the next train is arriving. The Station Master tells them that the Temporal Express is always on time when it is needed. Bill says it sounds ominous, but the Doctor tells her that not everything is nefarious as he is interrupted by a call.

A hologram pops up, showing Nardole on the other end. He is surprised to see them still at the station. The Doctor says they’re waiting for the train, asking what he needs. Nardole says the he found out who blocked the recall signal. The Doctor asks who it was. The hologram changes to show Missy, who asks him if the Doctor can buy her something from the station gift shop. Bill asks how she got outside the vault, to which Missy says she convinced their bald friend. The Doctor asks her why she did this and what she is plotting. Missy says she is not plotting anything, but doing some good, saying she stranded them there for a reason and that she might have sold some confidential information to the wrong people.

The Doctor ask her what kind of information and how she sold it. Missy says that the Temporal Express uses a piece of Gallifreyan technology, the Ghost Engine. Bill asks what that is, and the Doctor tells her that it allows matter to phase through time and is a very rudimentary form of time travel. The Station Master adds that it is how the train manages to travel through different eras. Missy says that she was planning on getting it herself but decided to let someone else do the heavy lifting. As the Doctor asks who, they hear a teleportation sound nearby and a monotone voice shouting "EXTERMINATE-EXTERMINATE!" and another shouting "DELETE! DELETE!".

Missy says that she sent him to stop them because she can't leave Earth, wishing him good luck. The Doctor says that he appreciates the thought, not the method, saying he must have a talk with… but is interrupted as a Dalek orders to take control of this location, while a Cyberman orders to find the Ghost Engine and delete all opposition. Bill asks if this is bad, which the Doctor concurs but says that they might come out of it alive if they're smart about it. The Station Master asks if he should call the Time Agency, but the Doctor says that they will just turn this place into a battlefield or worse, saying he can handle it, but that he is going to need help.

The Doctor says that they should find cover, as it could get ugly soon. The Station Master questions what he means. The Doctor says that Daleks and Cybermen are like water and oil or dynamite and a match, and Bill clarifies that he means they really should hide. The Doctor tells them to let him calibrate his sonic screwdriver for a moment, then activates it. Turning to the Daleks, he shouts in a Cyberman-voice that all Daleks should be deleted. The Dalek says Cybermen has been detected, shouting exterminate. Turning to the Cybermen, he shouts in a Dalek-voice that all inferior Cybernetic lifeforms must be exterminated. The Cyberman orders for all inferior Daleks to be deleted.

The Doctor claims that that will keep them occupied for a while, and next he'll figure out how to deal with the engine. The Station Master says that he's got the blueprints somewhere and that they disassembled and repaired it before using it. The Doctor says that he knows the Ghost Engine, having had to build one at the academy, so he still remembers it. Bill asks what the plan is, if they deactivate it or break it. The Doctor says that they’re going to overcharge it and create a phasing field. The Station Master protests that this would sweep anything close to the platform along with it. The Doctor concurs, saying that is why they need to fine tune the phasing field so it only draws the Cybermen and Daleks in. The Station Master says that that would require a masterful level of control. The Doctor says that he happens to know someone that fits that description, but they will need more time than an angry cybernetic shoot-out can provide.

The Dalek reports that casualties are null and a new strategy is requested. The Cyberman reports that connection with the Cyberium is established and new parameters are accepted. The Cyberman tells the Dalek that their battle is useless and merely a distraction as indicated by their superior sensors… but is interrupted by the Dalek, who says that if the Cyberman is talking about the Time Lord, they know. The Cyberman says that its Cyber Controller offers a temporary truce to delete the Time Lord. The Dalek retorts that Daleks do not accept truces or alliances with inferiors. The Doctor interrupts, saying that they might have to, considering they’re facing him. The Dalek sees the Doctor, and prepares to exterminate. The Doctor says that it can do that, but asks who will be operating the Ghost Engine. The Cyberman request the Dalek stop the aggressions as they need the Doctor alive.

Bill tells Nardole that the Doctor told her to link the communication device to the console. Nardole says he is linked but adds that this is one messy situation and he might not be up to it. Bill tells him that the Doctor wanted Missy to do it. Nardole asks if he is insane and says that Missy got him into the situation. Bill says that he wanted to test if she actually wanted to solve this. Nardole says that he is totally against it but that he trust the Doctor, handing over the call to Missy. Missy says that she does not think the Doctor would trust Bill with temporal science. Bill says the Doctor wanted Missy to… but is interrupted by Missy, saying that she knows exactly what she should do as she has known him longer than any of them.

The Doctor tells the Dalek that it should listen to the Cybermen, as they are emotionless and logic-driven. The Dalek retorts that logic is nothing against the might of the Daleks, and there is only hate. The Cyberman says that emotions are a weakness we extirpated many generations ago. The Doctor tauntingly asks the Dalek if it is going to stand being looked down upon. The Dalek retorts that everything apart from the Daleks must be exterminated. The Cyberman says that this is illogical and a stategic alliance would benefit them both. Bill shouts at the Doctor that they’re ready and for him to get out of there. The Doctor tells both aliens that they have a train to catch, as the horn of a train is sounding out.

Bill exclaims that that was something, and ask what happened. The Doctor says that the Ghost Engine's phasing field picked them all up. The Station Master ask if he forcibly removed them from the platform and threw them into the Vortex, which the Doctor says he did more or less. The Station Master says that he did not know the Ghost Engine could do that. The Doctor says that it can do much more but that he'll leave a program to block most functions. The Station Master protests that they can improve the service with those functions. The Doctor tells him that unless he plans on hosting more Daleks, blocking them is the way to go. The Station Master agrees and thanks him.

The Doctor thanks Missy, as without her they might not have come out. Missy says “of course” and it’s high time the Doctor recognise-… but is interrupted by the Doctor who 'but's his statement, saying that she not only caused the problem but also got them stuck there. Missy says she was trying to be helpful as it’s not like he can let her out of the vault. The Doctor says he knows… but is interrupted as Missy continues, asking if he would have trusted her if she told him about it. The Doctor pauses and then says he would, if she took the time to explain properly. Missy then says that the Doctor's pause tells her that he doesn't trust her, not for real. The Doctor says that he does trust her and that he is willing to bet his life on that trust, just asking her to inform him more clearly next time.



November Lineup Preview
Lost in Time - Version 2.1.3
  • The storyline's title and synopsis weren’t given in-game. However, the title was given in a "November Lineup Preview" dropped in the Settings Inbox on 13 November 2024, while the App Store featured both the title and a synopsis in update Version 2.1.5 on 15 November 2024.


To be added