Navy (colour)
Navy was a blue colour. (PROSE: The Schoolboy's Story [+]Loading...["The Schoolboy's Story (short story)"], The Tomorrow Windows [+]Loading...["The Tomorrow Windows (novel)"]) Deep navy was close to black in colour. (PROSE: Visiting Hours [+]Loading...["Visiting Hours (short story)"])
In 1918 in North Yorkshire the night's sky took on a navy colouring. (PROSE: Casualties of War [+]Loading...["Casualties of War (novel))"]) In 1968 in Crook Marsham a similar navy sky colouring was present. (PROSE: Nightshade [+]Loading...["Nightshade (novel)"]) The sky could also appear to be a hazy navy blue. (PROSE: Last of the Gadarene [+]Loading...["Last of the Gadarene (novel)"]
The Doctor's TARDIS was navy blue. (PROSE: The Ultimate Foe [+]Loading...["The Ultimate Foe (novelisation)"], Time and the Rani [+]Loading...["Time and the Rani (novelisation)"])
Wool could be navy blue. (PROSE: The Final Sanction [+]Loading...["The Final Sanction (novel)"]) It could be made into a woollen jumper. (PROSE: The Hollow Men [+]Loading...["The Hollow Men (novel)"])
Overcoats were sometimes made of a navy blue fabric. (PROSE: Leap Second [+]Loading...["Leap Second (short story)"])
Suits could be navy. (PROSE: Players [+]Loading...["Players (novel)"]) As could trouser suits. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel [+]Loading...["The Quantum Archangel (novel)"])
Pinstriped suits could be brown or navy. (PROSE: Direct Action [+]Loading...["Direct Action (short story)"], Bad Therapy [+]Loading...["Bad Therapy (novel)"])
Spacesuits could be navy blue. (PROSE: Ten Little Aliens [+]Loading...["Ten Little Aliens (novel)"])
Pyjamas could be navy blue. (PROSE: Timeshare [+]Loading...["Timeshare (short story)"])
Overalls could be navy blue. (PROSE: Timeshare [+]Loading...["Timeshare (short story)"])
Individuals' clothing history
Upon arriving in 1900 in England Zoe Heriot stole a heavy navy blue overcoat in an attempt to stay warm. (PROSE: Foreign Devils [+]Loading...["Foreign Devils (novel)"])
Whilst in Farringham in 1914 Bernice Summerfield wore on one of her days in that time zone a black and navy blue checked skirt, with a buttoned jacket and lace collar. (PROSE: Human Nature [+]Loading...["Human Nature (novel)"])
Val Jolley owned a navy blue raincoat in 1969. (PROSE: The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back [+]Loading...["The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back (short story)"])
Lucie Miller went shopping in the 1980s and bought; a ‘Frankie Say Relax’ T-shirt, a navy blue Adidas track top, a pair of jeans, a pair of Converse and a pair of Ray-Bans. (PROSE: Remain in Light [+]Loading...["Remain in Light (short story)"])
In 1995 Alistair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart owned a navy blue cardigan. (PROSE: Downtime [+]Loading...["Downtime (novelisation)"])
Doctor Olivia Steele wore a navy pencil skirt in the 2010s. (PROSE: Exodus Code [+]Loading...["Exodus Code (novel)"])
Ziyou Wanle was wearing a tightly buttoned tunic with horizontal navy stripes when the Seventh Doctor met him on the Scientifica planet in 2592 (PROSE: Cold Fusion [+]Loading...["Cold Fusion (novel)"])
On Pluto in the far future the Collector wore a severe one-piece garment in navy blue with thin white stripes, a square of white cloth in the breast pocket. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Sun Makers [+]Loading...["Doctor Who and the Sun Makers (novelisation)"])
Upon arriving in Malawi Harry Sullivan removed his navy jumper, slinging it over his shoulder. (PROSE: To Kill a Nandi Bear [+]Loading...["To Kill a Nandi Bear (short story)"])
Sam Jones was wearing a navy t-shirt when she and the Eighth Doctor were on Kursaal. (PROSE: Kursaal [+]Loading...["Kursaal (novel)"])
Whilst on an Earth colony planet Fitz Kreiner wore some navy blue pants with a carrot on the front, he also wore a navy blue fleece. (PROSE: Vanishing Point [+]Loading...["Vanishing Point (novel)"])
The Doctor's clothing
Following regaining his ability to time travel the Third Doctor wore a navy blue velvet jacket. (PROSE: Losing Track of Time [+]Loading...["Losing Track of Time (short story)"])
When the Seventh Doctor was in Little Caldwell in 1983 he was wearing one navy blue sock and one Rocky and Bullwinkle Christmas sock. (PROSE: Return of the Living Dad [+]Loading...["Return of the Living Dad (novel)"])
The Ninth Doctor wore a navy shirt when he and Rose Tyler travelled together. (PROSE: The Stealers of Dreams [+]Loading...["The Stealers of Dreams (novel)"] And met Charles Dickens and the Gelth. (TV: The Unquiet Dead [+]Loading...["The Unquiet Dead (TV story)"])