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The CCPC or Robo Fuzz were robots used as police in London in 2050. CCPC stood for Cybernetic Civic Pacification. (K9TV: Regeneration)

Appearance and abilities

They were used by the Department, both on the street and in faculties like the Dauntless Prison. (K9TV: Regeneration, Liberation) Certain units or Squads of CCPC were commanded by Department Inspectors.(K9TV: Alien Avatar) They had strong British accents and spoke in "cop slang". They were quite tall and had greater strength than a Human. They had limited intelligence and were slow, but were relentless. They were able to fire red Lasers from their palms capable of stunning or killing.(K9TV: Aeolian)

Due to the appearance of the laser and the Department's stance on alien threats, the technology used in the construction of the CCPCs could have been salavaged from leftover Cyberman technology from the Battle of Canary Wharf


Department Propaganda.

CCPC's were featured in Propaganda messages frequently broadcast across London at night, stating their purpose to Protect and Serve. (K9TV: Regeneration,Liberation,The Last Oak Tree)

CCPC's pursued dissidents such as Stark Reality. When he was found trying to replace a Propaganda message with his own message, the CCPC chased him and Jorjie. They were able to escape, but captured him when Darius reported them. When a Jixen warrior hunting Starkey broke into his cell, a CCPC walked in to find out what was going on. The Jixen then punched the CCPC, Starkey managed to use this diversion to escape. (K9TV: Regeneration) The CCPCs continued to follow Starkey until his criminal records were erased. (K9TV: The Korven)

When Starkey and Darius were investigating the Dauntless Prison, the CCPC arrested them (K9TV: Liberation)

The CCPCs continued to follow Starkey until his criminal records were erased. (K9TV: The Korven)

When the Department planted a bomb to a ferris wheel's controls as a publicity stunt, the CCPC were used to keep back civilians (as well as stop the bomb from actually being removed). (K9TV: The Bounty Hunter)

When a protester was speaking out against the CCPC violence, the CCPCs arrested her. After Jorjie, Starkey and K9 tried to help her, the CCPCs brought and tested the Inhibitor gun on them. The gun misfired, destroying the CCPC who fired it. (K9TV: Sirens of Ceres)

When an unknown entity was found in a wardrobe, the CCPCs guarded it. When Drake planned to destroy it, the CCPCs brought the bomb that was to be used. (K9TV: Fear Itself)

During a press conference about the introduction of the microchip, the CCPCs were used as security. Despite this, they were unable to protect Drake from "K9". (K9TV: Jaws of Orthrus)

All the CCPCs in London were put to sleep by the Bodach. (K9TV: Dreameaters)

Note this forms a continutity error, see:Forum:K-9 television discontinuity and plot holes/Dreameaters

When two Anubians landed in London two CCPCs tried to stop them but were knocked out by the Anubian energy attack, when the Anubians invasion was foiled CCPCs arrested the two Anubians. (K9TV: The Curse of Anubis)

As two CCPCs halted K9 and Starkey as they were about to go fishing. K9 explained what fishing was to them, they along with K9 didn't understand it and he told them "You and me both Brother". As they left he referred to them as "Morons" and that they gave Robots a bad name.(K9TV: Alien Avatar)

In Drake's plan to gain the ability to spy anywhere without being seen by anyone, even LOMAXX, involving the capture of a Medes starship. CCPCs were used to interrogate and even torture the two Medes, they also patrolled the Qualon 37 manufacturing factory.(K9TV: Alien Avatar)

When the Aeolian's mating call caused storms across the United Kingdom, Drake managed to find the Aeolian in the High Cross Cathedral and went there along with four CCPCs. He had the CCPCs stun the Aeolian. As Starkey played the Organ to find her mate. Drake ordered the CCPCs to take her out ordered to stand down when K9 threatened to kill them. During the crisis Darius called some CCPCs to help him get Jorjie of the Debris after her celling collapsed on her. (K9TV: Aeolian)

When the Great Oak was stolen from a Museum, the thief left behind an alien substance which caused electromagnetic interferrance in the CCPCs in the area, causing them to malfunction. (K9TV: The Last Oak Tree)