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Template:Infobox Organization

The Bannermen were a criminal group led by Gavrok.


The Bannermen used ray guns as their principle weapon, they rarely took prisoners without due reason. They made use of booby traps and had no appreciation for galactic law. (DW: Delta and the Bannermen)


A Bannerman cruiser. (DW: Delta and the Bannermen)


Their weapons included bazookas, fragmentation grenades, ray guns, and sniper rifles. Their weapons were mainly focused on atomising enemies. The Bannermen ray gun had explosive bullets. They were able to use high-impulse beams to detonate devices such as radio transmitters.

Vehicles and devices

The Bannermen Warfleet was composed of large three engined cruisers. Their craft possessed scanners that could search for high technology. They possesed sonic cones to booby trap objects. (DW: Delta and the Bannermen)


After polluting their own world, the Bannermen attacked Chumeria in an attempt to kill all Chimerons and take their world. They killed all the Chimerons, except for Delta, the Chimeron Queen, who escaped and ended up on a Nostalgia Tours bus.

File:Bees attack.jpg
The Bannermen are attacked by Bees. (DW: Delta and the Bannermen)

An informer alerted Gavrok that Delta was in Shangri-La camp, Earth, 1959. Gavrok killed the informer through use of a high-impulse beam to avoid paying him. They scanned the area and found high technology landing they attacked what they believed was Delta's hideout but was in fact a trap. Jars of honey fell on the Bannermen and Goronwy's bees attacked them. The Bannermen reorganised and moved to attack the camp, however the amplified singing of the Chimeron Princess sent them into disarray and Gavrok fell within the perimeter of a sonic cone and was atomised. The remaining Bannermen were taken prisoner and Delta and Billy placed them on their craft when they set out for space. (DW: Delta and the Bannermen)

It is unclear if the Bannermen were a race or just a paramilitary group.

Other realities

In a parallel universe one (or more) of the Bannermen spacecraft was captured by the Republican Security Forces and it's technological secrets were plundered by the British government. (PDA: The Face of the Enemy)