Forum:The original Panopticon

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference

Greetings! Here in the hallowed halls of the Panopticon, members of the TARDIS Index File wiki community may gather to discuss various issues and topics regarding the operation of the wiki. It is not, however, a place for idle conversation or off-topic discussion that doesn't directly concern the TARDIS Index File.

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Things to Do

Hey, Stardizzy and Freethinker! It looks like it's the three of us for the moment. I assume we'd like to get the structure of the site somewhat settled, and have a few important articles as examples before we try to get more people interested and involved (by plugging the site on Outpost Gallifrey's forum, for example). To that end, there are a few things we (as a group) should figure out:

  • We should figure out what the "encyclopedia"'s point of view should be. As it is now, most of our articles take a "real-world" perspective: that is, they refer explicitly to Doctor Who stories as TV stories or novels. We should consider whether we want to keep that, or if we want articles about things in the "Doctor Who" universe to be treated as if they were written by and for someone in that universe. That is, should an article on the Master talk about Roger Delgado's untimely death in the body of the article, or should production information be separated in italics, the way they do it at Memory Alpha? (I'm not advocating either choice, but we should know what we're doing.)
  • We should talk about what TARDIS Index File's canon policy is going to be. Doctor Who canon tends to be a bit more flexible than Star Trek's, since the BBC has never set out rules about what "counts" and what doesn't, the way that Paramount has about Star Trek. Therefore, I don't think that we need to be as strict as MA is about what we let in and what we keep out, but we should develop a policy about how we distinguish information from the television series, the novels, the audios, the comics, et cetera.
  • We should work on the Manual of Style. We've already got conflicting usages on TV story citations in articles: should we refer to The Caves of Androzani or "The Caves of Androzani"? If we set some clear policies now it will save us a lot of time editing later. Similarly, we should figure out some article naming conventions: we've already got List of television stories and List of Audio Stories, which is inconsistent. Since Wiki links are case-sensitive, we should decide whether such articles should have capital letters or not. (Moving a page is easy, but changing everything it links to is a nuisance.)
  • Finally, do either of you have any graphics ability? It would be great to have a TARDIS Index File logo to replace the WikiCities one in the upper left-hand corner of each page. Unfortunately, I'm not very graphically talented at all.

I think this project has great potential, and it's fun to be here building the foundation. Let's get to work! :) --Josiah Rowe 23:11, 16 Mar 2005 (EST)

Greetings Josiah and Stardizzy. Hmm, where to begin?
  • The Memory Alpha method of placing production information in italics might be a good idea, especially as we are including info from or about the '96 tv movie, audio stories, and novels which sometimes conflict with continuity in the original series, which has continuity issues of its own. Right now I'm working on an entry for Nyssa, and have information about her from the series, Virgin/BBC novels, and audio stories listed in their own separate sections. The only mention of Sarah Sutton is that she played the role; I figure further info about Ms. Sutton can be given in the specific article about her. Perhaps I should finish and post the article in that form at the sandbox, and let you guys look it over and decide if that or the Memory Alpha model you mentioned would be better.
  • Canon policy - Each individual Whovian seems to have his/er own opinion about what is and isn't canon. I personally lean towards being as inclusive as possible, with the individual reader given the choice of what s/he accepts as being canonical. If we adopt the Memory Alpha model of placing production background on a character or planet in italics, perhaps we should also adopt the model of putting info from the series in plain text, and info from the novels, audio stories, and other sources in italics. Whatever we decide, we should of course have a special page stating our canon policy.
  • Manual of Style - yes, definitely needs work. The conflicting TV story citation usage is my fault for not editing the Wikipedia articles I forked more thoroughly. I personally think individual stories should simply be placed in quotation marks, with italics reserved for Doctor Who, as these are individual works within a vast epic anthology which crosses all media formats, much like individual chapters in a book. Plus, doing wiki markup for italics and links for the same word or set of words is actually something of a nuisance. Naming conventions should probably use capital letters only for proper names and titles, as this would make searching easier. We also need an image use policy page, before we add any more to the site.
  • Graphics - I do have very limited experience with graphics, mainly with a picture editor (IrfanView) and Neither, I think allows for saving as or conversion to ".png" format, which is the format used for Wiki logos. I'll check, though, and do some experimenting when I find the time.
Well, that's my input for now. What's yours, Stardizzy? --Freethinker1of1 03:22, 17 Mar 2005 (EST)

I favor separating continuity from production for two reasons. number one, so that readers can easily research only that which interests them, i.e. continuity only or production only. number two, to rein in the writers a little bit and provide some structure.

also I second the idea of italics to separate television from other continuity (or continuities). speaking of production information, I would add a little section to make note of matters relevant to continuity that the production team had decided for themselves, like Ace's last name or that Verity Lambert might not have considered Susan really the Doctor's granddaughter.

I vote for audio stories not Audio Stories. however specific lines of books or audios with capital letters, like so... Big Finish stories or Missing Adventures. also, I like quote marks around television stories rather than using italics.

as I do have some experience for Photoshop I will experiment with making a logo. had no idea we could change it, otherwise I would have suggested doing so.

could someone tell me maximum size available for me to use? thank you. --Stardizzy 17:45, 17 Mar 2005 (EST)