Scooti Manista

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Scootori Manista was a 20 year old woman, whowas posted on Sanctuary Base 6, where she served as the base's trainee maintenance officer. Scooti was working in the control room when the quake was incoming. She was the second to respond when the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler arrived in the room. After the quake was over, she explained to Rose that their was only vacuum outside the base. She later attended the meeting where the Doctor and Rose were told what was going on and when Danny told Rose about the Ood.

Later, during the night shift, she went outside the base to repair a piece of equiptment. Later, during supper, she advised Rose not to eat the blue or green food. After that, she watched the destruction of the Scarlet System. Afterwards, she was ordered by Ida to check the base lockdown.

After this, Scooti went into Toby Zed's room to drop off his expedenditure. After seeing he wasn't there, she placed the paperwork on his desk. Then she heard the opening and closing of Door 41. After pondering this a moment, Scooti raced out of the room.

She ran through Door 40, letting it close behind her, and she raced over to the control panel. She first asked if the door was opened and closed, which the computer confirmed. She then explained that it was the airlock and that no one was allowed outside during the nightshift. She then asked if someone went out, which the computer confirmed. Then she asked who went out, but the computer said it didn't know. Scooti quickly came up with another idea. She asked whose spacesuit was logged out. After it said no spacesuit was logged out, Scooti gave up and tried to call Zach. However, she only got static. She then turned back and asked the computer what was wrong with the radio. However, it said nothing was wrong. Irritated, Scooti demanded that the computer tell her who went outside. However, the computer responded with "He is awake". Shocked, Scooti asked "What". The computer then repeated itself. Then Scooti asked what that meant. It then said, "He who bathes in the black sun." Rattled, Scooti backed away as a blast screen to a viewport down the hall was opening.

Curious, Scooti walked down the hall to look through the view port. There she saw Toby, possessed by the Beast, standing outside, unprotected in the vacuum of space. Scooti's eyes widen in shock at this. Toby then turns around and sees her. Toby then gives her a menacing smile. Scooti, in complete shock, mutter how this is impossible, that there isn't any air. However, Toby cuts her off. He begin's motioning her towards him. Now caught in his embrace, Scooti raised her arm towards him, helpless to refuse. Her eyes begin to water as if about to cry. This continues for a moment, before her eyes break away and stares at her arm. Her arm then drops. With force in her voice, Scooti pleads for Toby to stop, with tears still in her eyes. Toby then loses patience with Scooti, and his smile disappears. He then clenches his hand. Soon the sounds of breaking glass fill the cooridor. A still shaken Scooti, scans the viewscreen desperately looking for the source. Then a large crack appears on the glass. Scooti gasps in shock and horror, now realizing Toby means to kill her. She then rushes for Door 40, yelling for it to open as she goes. However, by the time she reaches it, the door still hasn't opened. Scooti then frantically yells again for it to open, but it refuses her orders. Meanwhile, the cracks continued to widen. Her yells turned to shrieks of terror as the door continued to refuse to open. Fear became visible in her eyes. She screamed and tugged at the door in a desperate attempt to save herself. However, Toby then unclenched his fist. The pressure shattered the viewport. Air rushed out of the base. The rushing air tore Scooti's fingers away from the door and blew her down the hall, screaming, in the ensuing explosive decompression. Scooti was soon sucked out the window into the inhospitabile environoment of Krop Tor where she died.

After the hull breach, her body was found after a search by the survivors. Her body began to drift towards the black hole. (DW: The Impossible Planet)