Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen was a popular American singer who became President of the United States. He was the direct successor to Tom Dering, and predecessor to President Norris, according to the Eighth Doctor's recollection. (EDA: Interference - Book One)
The biggest crisis in the Springsteen presidency was doubtless his attempts to negotiate with the Cthalctose and control the effects of Agent Yellow. He was married to Margaret Springsteen, who worked for the "Department of Health" in Geneva and was on the front line of combat against Agent Yellow. Together, they had an unspecified, but plural, number of children.
Who in their right minds elects a rock-star president of a major world government, anyway?
Bernice Summerfield instantly recognised him when she saw his transmission to the Cthalctose, because she "had half his albums". However, once Springsteen made clear that he intended to send nuclear weapons to the moon to destroy the Cthalctose should they not negotiate, Benny soured on him. At the time, Benny and her nearly-ex-husband Jason Kane were on the moon, in range of the missiles. (NA: Eternity Weeps)