Mary Cooper

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Mary Cooper was born sometime prior to 1947. She married Geraint Cooper, and the two would have a daughter, Gwen Cooper. Through her daughter Gwen, Mary would eventually become the mother-in-law of Rhys Williams and grandmother of Anwen Williams.


In her encounter with the quantum transducer, Gwen used the ghost machine to instiagte a flashback of her and Rhys leaving to attend Mary's 60th birthday party. (TW: Ghost Machine)

At the time of her daughter's wedding she was living in Swansea. Mary attended Gwen's wedding. After seeing Gwen, who unbeknownst to Mary was actually impregnated by a Nostrovite, Mary was happy at the prospect of a grandchild - particularly because she believed it would shock Brenda. Although Mary was not privy to the nature of Gwen's job she ended up caught up in the adventure when she was threatened by the Nostrovite who had assumed the guise of Brenda. Despite Gwen and Rhys proclaiming that they would not keep secrets from each other in their marriage; Mary's memories -like those of the other wedding guests - were erased by Jack Harkness. Mary then forgot about the whole ordeal, which her daughter felt to be "for the best". She was last seen with sleeping against Brenda - perhaps an indication that the two would manage to put aside their differences. (TW: Something Borrowed)

During the Dalek invasion of Earth, Gwen requested that Rhys tell Mary to take her pills and go to sleep. (DW: The Stolen Earth)

At some point prior to Miracle Day, Gwen informed Mary of the true nature of her job. On Miracle Day, Mary accompanied her husband to the hospital, after he had had a heart attack, and met her daughter, son in law, and granddaughter.(DW: The New World)


Mary was a somewhat snobbish middle class woman. She was seen to enjoy nagging her husband Geraint and scoring points against Rhys' Mum, Brenda Williams. (TW: Something Borrowed)