Martha Jones

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Martha Jones first met the Doctor in the episode Smith and Jones as she walks to work and he pulls his tie off.She is enganged to Tom Milligan and works for UNIT(The Sontaran Strategem)

File:Martha Jones, the Tenth Doctor and the Tardis.jpg


Martha's family is Mum Francine Jones,Dad Clive Jones,Sister Tish Jones and brother Leo Jones

Life with the Doctor

In the episode "The Shakespeare Code", Martha wonders if she is safe in an era before emancipation, but the Doctor is blasé, pointing out that he's not even human – when she prompts: "[I'm] not exactly white, if you hadn't noticed", he is nonplussed, ethnicity being irrelevant to him. Martha soon reacts with surprise and possible offence to Shakespeare's use of Elizabethan terms for black people such as "blackamoor" and "ethiop". For a moment, she thinks these terms could be racist (the Doctor quips that it is "political correctness gone mad"), but realises Shakespeare is actually enamoured of her. At the end of the episode, he refers to her as his "Dark Lady" – to whom the real Shakespeare dedicated a number of his sonnets. Other episodes such as "Human Nature"/"The Family of Blood", set in 1913, depict the racism that Martha encounters in different eras – here, public school boys exhibit casual bigotry, which she is forced to rise above, and even decent people are seen to be products of their time.

When the TARDIS crew are nationally branded as terrorists in "The Sound of Drums", the Master says that the Doctor's current companions "tick every demographic box" – referring to Martha's ethnicity and Jack's sexual orientation. He later refers to Jack and Martha as "the girlie and the freak", adding to the insult by claiming he is not sure which is which.