Melody Pond

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River Song was a human who lived in the 51st century. Sometime before she met the Doctor in his timeline she traveled with him. When he met her on the abondoned Library planet it was the first time he had met her. As she was arriving on the Library she arrived with a crew as she was assisting Strackman Lux on his mission to find the Library. She met the Doctor and Donna when Lux and his crew hacked into the library. As the Doctor was trying to find out why the library was abonadoned she spoke to Donna about knowing the doctor. But it seemed the the doctor of her future told her Donnas fate. One of her collgues Miss Evangelista was found dead as she had walked into one of the shadows and the Vasta Nerada killed her. Her Data Chip had not been switched of as Donna had made friends with Miss Evangelista she asked Donna to comfort her as it was her last words. Later that day she pulled out a book that was blue and looked like the Tardis the doctor questioned her but she said he could never see it. Just at that moment Proper Dave was killed by the Vasta Nerada and and his skeleton was possesed. As he chased the doctor, River and her collegues the light went and out.

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