Talk:The Almost People (TV story)

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Production error?

Is it not possible that the Flesh copied the Sonic Screwdriver as well, thus making this, well, not a production error? Since the Flesh seems able to copy clothes, it is not unreasonable to state that it could copy a sonic screwdriver. Just an opinion.

Not a discussion point as such, but wouldn't it be terribly gratuitous if humans by the 22nd century would have been able to create a material that can copy anything with technical perfection, including sonic screwdrivers and... timelords?? Just imagine, if we can do that, why isn't just about everything set in the future different? E.g. the space station in the Satan Pit could have an army of plastic timelords assisting them... Hack59 15:00, May 29, 2011 (UTC)

Please move this discussion to Forum:Doctor Who television discontinuity and plot holes/The Almost People. Thanks----Skittles the hog--Talk 15:23, May 29, 2011 (UTC)


We should probably note that Amy tells the "Ganger" Doctor about his death, which means she really told the actual Doctor. -- Wakukee

If you remember the doctor who spoke to felt the "WHY" a lot stronger than the one inside. Which would imply that the one outside, and thus the one Amy spoke to, was the Ganger Doctor rather than the origional. They probably switched shoes after that. Looq 11:08, May 29, 2011 (UTC)

There was no time for them to switch shoes after that, the 'Ganger' was made to sit on a barrel. They must have switched shoes at one of the few times that they were together when no one else was, early on in the episode when the mining crew were attempting to barricade the door. Adam 148 15:36, May 29, 2011 (UTC)

That occured to me too. I guess another explanation for the Doctor outside feeling the "WHY" more strongerly than the one inside, could be that the Ganger Doctor (inside) had dulled telepathic powers compared to the Original Doctor (outside). Although that would seem to go against the grain of the two of them being the same, unless it has something to do with the Ganger Doctor being "new" a carry on from his difficulties with his previous regenerations. Looq 16:44, May 29, 2011 (UTC)

I found a point. The two Doctors are discussing the issue of the companions trusting them right after the Ganger Doctor was discovered. It could be this early that they swap shoes. 02:02, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

It's possible that the Doctor simply had the Tardis make a new sonic screw driver rather than retrive the old one.Camoxide 13:28, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

The perfect time for the shoe switch was when they were both working behind the console. After Cleaves walks away their lower halves are out of sight all of the time and both take turns to 'duck down' several times allowing plenty of time to switch. Also in relation to the which doctor was outside question, it was definitely the real Doctor due to the comment between the two before the Ganger's death. The comment regarding 'invites' was met with confusion from the Ganger as this was information the real Doctor received after the Ganger's creation. Laserbeak 00:13, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

Its quite obvious that when they were barricading the door and the two Doctors were in the dark where no-one can see them they switched shoes. After this Amy looks at both Doctors shoes to see which one was the real one and as they had swapped soes she thought the ganger was the actual doctor. What was the point of swapping afterwards. "A doctor in a doctor suit" -The Doctor- The wedding of River Song. E.B 08:56, July 24, 2012 (UTC)

The article says Amy screams in pain at the end, but it seems more like terror at her situation than like pained contraction screams and that seems significant to me - she suddenly woke up in her real body and realized she was totally pregnant and started screaming her head off (like any reasonable person!!!)

  • I think it's possible to describe the scream at the end as both terror and pain as she has just discovered she's trapped in an unknown place at the same time she has to push in labour. Laserbeak 16:17, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

"This one we are not invited to"

When the ganger doctor is holding the door shut on Ganger Jennifer.. an short piece of dialoge implys the doctor knows about his death

Ganger Doctor: My death arrives I suppose.

Doctor: But this one we're not invited to.

  • Because Amy accidentally tells him earlier in the episode. Witoki 08:04, May 29, 2011 (UTC)
  • I thought that was the Ganger doctor, because he started talking about the eyes asking why
    • I'm assuming the shoe-swap happened when both Doctors were ducking behind the machine while talking to Amy. This would also allow them to swap the screwdriver from the original to the Ganger, thus fooling Amy more completely. So she would have told the original Doctor. Both Doctors could feel the "Why" question, but the one with Amy played it up more. Jasontank 15:42, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

Tom Baker Clip

Where is the evidence that Tom Baker recorded it recently with Big Finish? TemporalSpleen 08:12, May 29, 2011 (UTC)


The Doctor says he needed to block the Flesh's signal to Amy. Any idea what he meant? I can't figure it out. 22:59, May 29, 2011 (UTC)

  • The signal allowing the real Amy to control the Ganger Amy, like the harnesses do. Witoki 23:23, May 29, 2011 (UTC)
  • The first Gangers encountered (Jennifer, Cleaves etc) were described as 'the early flesh technology.' Is it possible that we can assume they would have ironed out the Ganger sentience problem for later versions such as Amy's Ganger? Therefore Amy's Ganger has no possibility of sentience and as soon as the signal is blocked it would just revert to raw flesh as happened at the end of the episode? Therefore that is why the Doctor had no moral problem blocking the signal and 'killing' Amy's Ganger? Laserbeak 16:17, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

The eyes have it

Can somebody explain the room with all the eyes? It doesn't make much sense to me.

Jennifer said that the eyes are the last to go. And there's one question in those eyes, "why?" When they go through the hal with the eyes Amy asks "Why are they here?" the Doctor replies "To accuse... us". In other words, it's to make the "real" humans feel guilty. 11:14, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

Amy pregant in 2011 and 2015 how?

Amy got pregant in Amy's Choice, and again in the Impossible Astronaut, I don't know why, my older brother said She possibly have a second baby But we don't see the first baby in Amy's Choice though.

The baby in Amy's Choice wasn't real, as Amy's Choice happened in a dream world. Adam 148 14:25, June 4, 2011 (UTC)

Charlie the badger.

In the Charlie McDonnal confidental web videos... Matt gets given Charlie the badger. I think it might have been the next episode they were filming for... but Matt said in the video that he had a line about badgers in the episode they were filming. Can anyone remember any such a line either in this episode or the next? The Thirteenth Doctor 14:32, June 10, 2011 (UTC)