Consuls of Traken

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The Consuls of Traken are 5 Trakenites who govern the people of the Traken Union. The Keepers ruled for thousands of years with the power of The Source. After their rule The Keeper would start to lose their hold on perfect harmony throughout the Traken Union and would select a Consul to be his/her successor and the next Keeper of Traken. (DW: The Keeper of Traken)


The Consuls of Traken were led by the The Keeper who ruled for thousands of years with the power of The Source. As The Keeper was connected to all the mind of the Traken Union and protected them mentally form all evil that threated there paradise. The Consuls, however protected them physically and had the power to command the Fosters (Workers) and the Proctors (Security) like Neman. (DW: The Keeper of Traken)


Circa 1000 BC The first Keeper was The Doctor. He defeated the inventor of The Source, Kwundaar. He gave the title to Shayla, who held it for an unknown time. (BFA: Primeval)

It is unknown whiether The Doctor, Kwundaar or Shayla created to 5 Consuls or a later Keeper.

Circa 1981 As his end approached, the current Keeper of Traken contacted The Doctor for his help. He explained about the Melkur on Traken and asked for help preventing the evil from taking control of the bioelectronic Source was the keystone of the Keeper's power and of Traken civilisation. The Doctor and Adric agreed and the Keeper pulled the TARDIS to Traken.

the Keeper had chosen Consul Tremas as his successor. When Tremas came under suspicion with The Doctor and Adric about the Melkur, Consul Seron was nominated by the other Consuls to be the next Keeper, when Seron is being inspected by The Keeper to see if he is an appropriate successor Consul Kassia, who is possesed by the Melkur, kills him. When Tremas and the other Consuls arrive Kassia declares that Seron is dead because he was rejected by The Keeper

Consul Katura and Consul Luvic then chose Kassia to replace Seron. However, she was working with the Melkur.

When The Keeper died, Kassia became connected to The Source. Immediately, she was taken over by the Melkur, who became the new Keeper. The Doctor and Adric sabotaged the connection to The Source and forced Melkur out of the Keeper's sanctum, allowing Luvic to take Melkur's place and become the new Keeper.

After the The Doctor and Adric leave Traken, Tremas investigates a mysterious longcase clock. When he touches the clock face, he is transfixed and the door of the clock opens. The Master emerges and merges with Tremas… "a new body at last…". Laughing, the newly-regenerated Masterenters the clock, which is in fact his TARDIS. Seconds after The Master's TARDIS has dematerialised, Nyssa comes looking for her father. She calls to him, but there is no answer... (DW: The Keeper of Traken)

When a wave of entropy swept across part of the universe, Traken was destroyed. Everyone in the Traken Union died. (DW: Logopolis)