Journey's End (TV story)

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The end approches...People and Planets and Stars will become dust, the dust will become atoms...and the atoms will become...nothing. For this is my ultimate victory! The destruction of reality itself!!Davros

{{Infobox NewTV |image= |story name= Journey's End |series= Series 4 |number= 4 |story number= 13 |doctor= Tenth Doctor. |companions= Donna Noble
Rose Tyler
Martha Jones
Captain Jack Harkness
Mickey Smith
Sarah Jane Smith |enemy= Dalek
[[Davros] |writer= Russell T Davies |director= Graeme Harper |producer=Phil Collinson |broadcast date=5th July 2008 |format= 1x65 minute episode |production code= 4.13 |previous story=The Stolen Earth |next story=Proms Special }}

This is the 13th and final episode of Series 4 and will feature 6 companions of the Doctor. It is a continued on a cliffhanger from Episode 12.


The entire universe is in danger as the Daleks activate their masterplan, and enslave 21st century Earth. The Doctor is helpless, and even the TARDIS faces destruction. The only hope lies with the Doctor's secret army of companions– but as they join forces to battle Davros himself, the prophecy declares that one of them will die.


Production crew

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Story notes


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  • The Doctor's perceived regeneration is actually a disguised Dalek transmat, which forms part of a plot by Davros to bring the Doctor to the Crucible as part of his wider plans, whilst leaving a genetically-engineered impostor aboard the TARDIS. (Another clue that the Doctor may not regenerate yet is the fact that River Song recognises the 10th Doctor, indicating that he meets her before he regenerates. Yet another, more conclusive clue, is that DT is appearing in all four specials in 2009: However the 'specials' could be an impressive misdirection to cover the fact of DT leaving the show in 2009 and there really will be a full series in 2009).
  • There are rumors that Harriet Jones is imprisoned,instead of exterminated as it appeared. However, this is unlikely. Actually this is possible, as we know Sarah Jane will survive, why not Harriet Jones, perhaps the Harriet Jones to Dalek rumour is still true, however she doesn't do it willingly. RTD said that a female we all know very well will die. This is likely to have been Harriet Jones, as everytime she introduces herself, the response is "Yes, we know who you are" including the Daleks. Harriet Jones is not a 'faithful companion' as the prophecy predicted as the doctor was deliberately responsible for her downfall as P.M. Besides, Caan's mentioning of the companion's death is after Harriet is attacked by the Daleks. We know from the static the others received, that Jones' computer was destroyed. This does not tell us anything about what happened to her.
  • Harriet Jones escaped just before being exterminated via teleport. After Rose teleports away from the Noble's house, Wilf and Sylvia's eyes widen as if someone else took Rose's place. Since we didn't see her exterminated, she used technology from the Copper Foundation to teleport away and the teleport locked onto the teleport signal which Rose used and allowed Harriet to land in the Noble Home. However this is unlikely as Harriet's words to Jack do not indicate that she planned to survive her encounter with the Daleks. She also seems to accept her fate. But she could have said this as a red herring to return using her faked death as a cover in order to bring down the Daleks later on.
  • Gallifrey is restored. Highly unlikely. Every reference to the loss of Gallifrey is that it was destroyed (or "burned"), not missing as the other planets are. In addition, all 27 missing planets were identified at the Shadow Proclamation (presumably - three of them were speculations of the Doctor's behalf). However, it could be restored like Davros. Why would Davros want to restore Gallifrey? Davros wouldn't, but the Doctor probably would like to, and might try now he knows that the timelock can be broken.
  • Rose dies. Unlikely, as her farewell to the Doctor and Donna has been filmed showing them at Bad Wolf Bay.
  • Donna dies. This had been foreshadowed in Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, although Donna did already "die" in Turn Left. But then there was the "Sorry for your loss" line in The Stolen Earth, this could be Donna's memory loss.
  • Martha dies. Possible as the weapon she has (The Osterhagen key) is rumoured to be a suicide weapon.
  • The TARDIS is destroyed or sacrifices itself. Dalek Caan's insane rantings of "prophecy" states that the Doctor's "most faithful companion" would die. This would seem to be the TARDIS, as the TARDIS is indeed a living organism. Possibly supported by video of the TARDIS in flames flying into an "exhaust port" on a fortified moon with only Donna aboard in the Official BBC Trailer for Journey's End Unlikely as pictures on the internet indicate that the TARDIS is in the Christmas special, as well as the Proms special. And if the TARDIS is gone then it's the end of Doctor Who itself. Not necessarily there were more TARDISes before the war maybe Davros captured one. River Song's Diary is styled in the same way as the TARDIS, meaning she must of seen it in the future when they do meet, so if it is destroyed it is somehow restore before their meeting. Also, if the Master escaped the Time War using a TARDIS it may still be in existence.
  • The Osterhagen key is either a reset button or a suicide weapon. Hopefully, it's not the reset button. Also, why would Harriet Jones of all people be opposed to using a reset button? Is it possible that it may be linked to the TARDIS? UNIT know what the TARDIS is. Maybe it allows the stable use of a Paradox machine to be used to Earth's advantage. I know it sounds kind of weird, since Harriet Jone apposed it so much. But it may have been given to Martha as she has been inside the TARDIS. Is this Possible? But if the key were supposed to be used in the TARDIS, then why did the General tell Martha to use it if she didn't find the Doctor? If she couldn't find the Doctor, she wouldn't be able to find the TARDIS either.
  • Assuming the ambiguous theories of a 'Botched Regeneration' are plausible, we could be seeing an early version of the Valeyard. In The Trial Of A Time Lord, the Valeyard is seen as an incarnation of the potentially evil side of the Doctor between the twelfth and thirteenth regenerations. Though a couple of regenerations early, the "Osterhagen key" roughly translates as 'graveyard' or 'boneyard' (insults that the Sixth Doctor used against the Valeyard in 'The Trial of a Time Lord').
  • K-9 makes an appearance. Likely as we know Sarah Jane Smith survives, and K-9 could save her.
  • The doctor's hand is still in the jar, and is still bubbling, as we were pointedly reminded in a shot near the start of the previous episode. This could prevent him changing form, or affect the regeneration in some fashion.
  • Sylvester McCoy to make a surprise reappearance... He was interviewed as part of Doctor Who Confidential for "The Stolen Earth" in his seventh Doctor costume, whereas Peter Davison was interviewed in "Civilian" clothing, rather than his cricket gear of the fifth Doctor. - perhaps an unsubtle hint relating to a botched/inverted regeneration. We've never seen the Doctor executed by a Dalek before (or have we?), perhaps he could go back a few incarnations? Sylvester McCoy wasn't wearing any version of his 7th Doctor costume in Doctor Who Confidential, although his hat is possibly the same one (as it originally belonged to him). The block writing used for the "to be continued" at the end credits is reminiscent of Sylvester McCoy era.
  • Dalek Caan in the previous episode talks of the coming Doctor as the "threefold man". This could give us a clue. We may well have three doctors in this episode. Perhaps this could include the Doctor's Daughter; Jenny, as she is in effect a clone of the Doctor, and therefore a part of The Doctor himself. (She is not a clone of the Doctor. She is his daughter. Granted, a daughter made using only his DNA, but she will still have different genes to him to due to processes relating to reproduction which are too complicated to go into here.)
  • Dalek Caan's insane rantings of "prophecy" states that the Doctor's "most faithful companion" would die. This would seem to be Capt. Jack Harkness as he has been there for 3 out of 4 final stories, but can also die as often as RTD requires.Dalek Caan's prophecy-Isn't Sarah-Jane the most loyal as she did wait all those years to see him again?. No Jack waited over 100 years to meet the right Doctor at the right time, meaning that he out of all the companions is also the most likely to know about future Doctors. Jack spoke about the regeneration process but he was not present on screen for the last regeneration. He has the best understanding of time and may well have traveled with a future Doctor, like River Song, just not talked about it.It could be Donna as she did spend a lot of time and effort looking for him, or even Rose she did cross an entire universe to find him. Rose also said to Donna in Turn Left that she is the "most important Human in all creation" as the Doctor owes his life to her and it would seem she is the most important at the moment. It is unlikely to be Captain Jack as it has been revealed that Captain Jack is the Doctors old friend Face of Boe which we seen die in another episode.(Note Captain Jack is RUMORED to be "the real" Face of Boe, as this has yet to be confirmed.
  • The 'most faithful' companion who will die has to be K9: Dogs are always 'most faithful'.
  • Again we're told in the previous episode that there's something on Donna's back - after the events of Turn Left (and also long before, in Planet of the Ood). This gives a means to do a "reset" as the entire season could itself be an aberrant time line being ridden by another time beetle. - Though hopefully not, as that's almost as bad a writing as "You mean it was all a dream?" The Shadow Proclamation said there WAS something on her back. The Time Beetle is dead and everything that's happened is happening in the true reality.
  • In The Stolen Earth when Donna is sitting on the stairs of the Shadow Proclamation she is seen wearing a large black ring, very possibly the same ring that was the Master's. Although it is unlikely he will appear, it may have something to do with the fact that it will be Donna's last episode. The Master's ring was VERY different to the one Donna was wearing. The Master's was green, whereas Donna's was black.
  • The Doctor will regenerate, however the 1 second lapse in the Medusa Cascade will reset his regeneration, giving the Doctor(and us) an insight into what (or who) his next form will be. Unlikely, as a regeneration must fully finish or be botched. Also Unlikely, as it is known DT will return in 2010 as the Doctor. Really? That's still not been confirmed. Yes it has. David Tennant has been confirmed for the 2009 specials not the 2010 series. It sounds like the original claim of 2010 was an honest date error about the specials rather than belief that DT is officially back for 2010 which has not yet been confirmed (either way)
  • When Donna is sitting on the stairs, there is a drumming sound, right before the Shadow Proclamation Woman talks to her about becoming something new. She then wipes her eyes, showing off a very large black ring (which is not new; it has been on Donna's hand in almost every episode). As well, when the Sub Wave network starts, there is a tone similar to that used by the Master's Archangel Network in the Series 3 finale, all possible hints at Donna having some level of involvement with The Master. The drumming sound when Donna is on the stairs is a heartbeat, possible a slight echoed beat of two hearts, but it's not the same as the Master's beat.
  • As Sarah Jane is about to be exterminated Mickey suddenly teleports and saves her while Jackie does the same with Torchwood
  • Sarah Jane, Jackie and Mickey Smith allow themselves to be captured and taken to the Crucible in order to find the Doctor.

Headline text

Discontinuity, Plot Holes, Errors

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DVD and Other releases

See also

External links

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