User talk:Shambala108

From Tardis Wiki, the free Doctor Who reference
Revision as of 16:56, 26 December 2012 by Tangerineduel (talk | contribs) (rename articles)
Welcome to the
• Shambala108 •

Thanks for your recent edits! I'm Jimbo, your robot wiki representative! We hope you'll keep on editing with us. This is actually a great time to have joined, because we're now fully independent, and working on a host of new features!

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No HTML in the body of articles

Please observe T:NO HTML

Thanks very much for filling in the plot summary for the first episode of The Crusade. However, there was a technical fault to your editing. According to this report from the page history at The Crusade, you inserted a lot of raw HTML into The Crusade#The Lion (1). Please do not do this. Thanks :)

czechout<staff />   18:24: Mon 31 Oct 2011 

Ahh, so there was a pesky li'l intervening edit. Thanks for pointing that out! Helped me uncover the source of a number of similar edits without having to laboriously check back through every edit history.
czechout<staff />   00:30: Tue 01 Nov 2011 

Your input is needed!

You are invited to join the discussion at Forum:Can we disable visual editor please?.

czechout<staff />   22:44: Tue 20 Dec 2011 

Your input is needed!

You are invited to join the discussion at Forum:Reference books - what do we cover?. --Tangerineduel / talk 14:21, January 16, 2012 (UTC)


Can I make a request. One actor pages instead of putting DW can you write the show out in full, i.e

X actor played person in the Doctor Who story name of story.

Thanks.MM/Want to talk? 02:02, February 6, 2012 (UTC)

Colony in Space

I'm not seeing anything like you're describing. And there's nothing alarming in the page history. Please clear your cache, reload that page, and tell me if you're still experiencing problems with the page. Thanks :)
czechout<staff />   04:54: Fri 02 Mar 2012 

Vanddalism and edit button

Your vandal has been dealt with, hopefully. He/She was using a number of different IP addresses, so hopefully I've implemented a range block that will effectively bar him/her.

I'm a little more concerned about the report you're giving about your edit button. Could you please describe the circumstances under which you're unable to use it?

  • What browser and version is giving you issues?
  • Is it only on user pages, or every page?
  • Is the drop down menu not working or is it the whole button? That is, are you only barred from looking at history and move, or does pressing the edit button do nothing?

Yours is the first report I've heard of this little loss of functionality, so I'm very eager to nip it in the bud before lots of users start having issues.

(As a short term solution, I suggest you install the skin changing button and edit in Monobook on those occasions when you need access to buttons you can't get to in Wikia. See Forum:Monobook users: please install this code for instructions.)

czechout<staff />   17:37: Sun 15 Apr 2012 

Well, there's your problem. We don't support IE. Please install Safari, Firefox, or Chrome. Our of curiosity, though, what's the exact version number of IE that you're using?
czechout<staff />   01:57: Mon 16 Apr 2012 
Also, please make sure that you have cleared your cache. Work is ongoing with restyling the wiki, so you may not be looking at the most current version of the code. Even so, you are strongly urged to abandon IE for a Mozilla or webkit browser. As IE's position in the marketplace continues to dwindle — and it's currenly under 20% — we've felt increasingly confident in just abandoning support for it. It's simply more trouble than it's worth trying to maintain its peculiarities.
czechout<staff />   02:16: Mon 16 Apr 2012 

Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it. --Cyruptsaram talk to me 06:41, July 15, 2012 (UTC)


Yes sorry about that. My computer can be very faulty sometimes and I can get chucked out of the edit page, so sometimes it takes 5 times to write a sentence.

I think when I made an edit on one page and then took it away is because I made a mistake. I though a piece of information wasn't visible on the page, but it actually was. --Cyruptsaram 16:41, August 2, 2012 (UTC)

Is there a way of stopping it somehow? Have you done something to stop it before (as you'd probably believe, it's very frustrating, it takes 10 minutes to write a paragraph)? --Cyruptsaram 17:00, August 2, 2012 (UTC)

Infobox only taking one actor

Just saw several of your recent edits. What you've said in the edit summary is not actually true. I've made an edit to the Second Doctor article to illustrate this. There are three actor fields, see {{Infobox Individual}} for more info. Thanks. --Tangerineduel / talk 15:32, August 14, 2012 (UTC)

Sorry, my mistake, read the edit summary too quickly. --Tangerineduel / talk 15:34, August 14, 2012 (UTC)

Please use only, not appearances

When creating an infobox on the page of a person who has only one appearance, please use the variable {{{only}}}, not {{{appearances}}}. Thanks :)
czechout<staff />   04:29: Fri 24 Aug 2012 

Documentary categorisation

Hey, please familiarise yourself with the subcategories Documentaries. All documentaries should go into one of the more specific categories there. There's no way you could have known this, of course, but the reason category:Doctor Who DVD documentaries was kept around was because this category was going to facilitate an editing track in the Game of Rassilon. Because of Wikia's protracted problems in trying fix the achievement badges, however, we've had to put all new tracks on hold. So this "mega" category is just sorta sittin' there doin' nothin' useful. Any category that has over about a hundred entries is little too big for a human to digest. So documentaries should be in more specific categories like Production spotlight documentaries, Writing spotlight documentaries, Real history spotlight documentaries and the like.
czechout<staff />    03:29: Tue 04 Sep 2012

Nah, you're not causing trouble at all. You're just pointing out things we need to explain better. Good thing I'm rewriting all the policies and tutorials at the moment. :) There's a big new tutorial on categories coming soon.
czechout<staff />    03:36: Tue 04 Sep 2012
Here's a good list for you.

Publication --> Anthology

Hey, thanks for doing the switches, but if you're noticing a pattern, just let me know what the pattern is, and I can fire up the bot and do it in a flash. :) Also no need to type out that whole, long forum title in the summary. It's not really from a forum decision. It's actually just a part of the template instructions, directly stated at {{Infobox Story/doc/short story}}, so your edit summary doesn't have to be anything more than "upholding temp doc" or something equally brief.
czechout<staff />    03:27: Sat 08 Sep 2012

Kudos for finding a job for the bot then. Feel free to go on to more fun work. Can you just give me a link or three for stories which are mistakenly using publication instead of anthology? It'll help me make the bot coding a little more foolproof.
czechout<staff />    03:44: Sat 08 Sep 2012

Talking About

Thanks for reporting this issue. I've passed it on to the people at w:c:vstf, who will handle it from here. This will probably be resolved within 48 hours. In the meantime, please create your page offline so that it's ready for eventual uploading.

Alternately, I can suggest that you create it at a near title match that the spam filter will allow — maybe Talkin About Regeneration (documentary), and then we'll move it to the proper place once the phrase "Talking About" gets struck from the list.
czechout<staff />    01:56: Mon 17 Sep 2012

You can follow the case by clicking here.
czechout<staff />    01:59: Mon 17 Sep 2012
This is all clear now, and has been for some time. Any time you want to write start the article at Talking About Regeneration (documentary), you may.
czechout<staff />    03:26: Tue 02 Oct 2012

the Editor

Noticed your recent edit and got me thinking, would there be a way for us to incorporate something like Wikipedia:Template:lowercase title for pages like this? Like for example how Wikipedia:De Moivre's formula displays a lowercase D. +Yc 04:35, September 26, 2012 (UTC)

Eh well I think it would be cool if we could make the title reflect is as otherwise people may only look at the top or the first bolded word as a guide for whether or not to capitalize the definite article. +Yc 05:20, September 26, 2012 (UTC)

Thank you for correcting my "Shoulder slats" edit on New Dalek Paradigm. I clearly wasn't thinking. Graske of the mandragora 07:35, September 26, 2012 (UTC)

I was trying to add new stuff here, but every time I try to make this wiki expand, I'm told not to do it. I'm Admin at 2 other wikis, and have bee told by many people that I'm a great editor. I'm sorry if u don't like my ways and since I can't edit at free will, I might have to leave, sorry.


I'm sorry, yesterday was a bad day for me. Can I still add new categories though? It would help with the expansion of this wiki :)


Orphaned pages

Yep, one is enough to stop it from showing up in the Special:LonelyPages and yes you can remove {{orphan}} when you fix up the links. Though if you can get more than one link to it that's better, but sometimes when I've been going through the LonleyPages I've only ever managed to get one link in.

Also I wanted to say great work throughout the wiki (and on the talk pages as well!). --Tangerineduel / talk 05:49, October 25, 2012 (UTC)

Well Done

Just wanted to drop by and saying well done of your work with the orphan pages. So, well done! You're doing a really good job, keep it up! MM/Want to talk? 23:32, October 28, 2012 (UTC)

Good work on the DVD documentaries but ... =

... I just wanted to check that you intended to come back and fill in the infoboxes you've deliberately left blank. It's really important that the infoboxes get filled out on documentaries, as these infoboxes contain a lot of SMW goodness. If they're filled out properly, we can easily generate lists of who might have produced/directed various documentaries, who was the main interviewer, what documentaries are on which DVDs and the like. Please make sure you go back and fill in all that information.
czechout<staff />    04:40: Thu 15 Nov 2012

My edits are mostly obsessive compulsive ones. I tidy up the layout of the pages by adding lines of spaces in between lines of different "codes". Sorry, can't help it.



Yep, there's certainly a way to fix it :) Add {{delete|only source is non-narrative}}. Thanks for finding this one> If you find any others, just add this tag. My suspicion, now that you've found this one, is that if you looked at Special:WhatLinksHere/The Gallifrey Chronicles (illustrated guide), you'd probably find other articles that need to be deleted.
czechout<staff />    06:37: Wed 19 Dec 2012

DWM edits

Hi, thanks for correcting my edits on the DWM pages. I thought they were a mistake being in italic and changed to bold text as on previous and future magazine pages the comic book story titles were in bold as well. Rassilon 19:04, December 20, 2012 (UTC)

My apologies. I meant to add the link, but I messed up and copy pasted the wrong part. After I saw what appeared, I was about to undo it, but you beat me to it. Hotshot70 05:31, December 24, 2012 (UTC)

Hi, could you help me with my mistakes? I was trying to earn badges with all my director pages. What am I doing wrong? Vulkanus13

Renaming pages

Thought I'd leave this note here rather than the construct page, as it's more general info than related to the editing of that article.

To rename any page that isn't move locked (all the story pages are move locked, but in general everything else can be moved/renamed).

On the article page click the triangle next to the edit button, a menu will drop down and "rename" is the third button down.

You'll then be taken to the MovePage page, type in the page's new title and leave a reason for doing so and leave the "rename associated talk page" box ticked so the talk page is moved along with the page. Also leave the "leave a redirect behind" unless you've already changed all the links to the page, then it can be unchecked. Then click rename page and the page will be renamed.

Also of note "rename" used to be called "move", it's only really noteworthy because while it's called rename (and that's what it does) it also moves the page history with it. Any questions please feel free to ask and I'll try to help. --Tangerineduel / talk 16:56, December 26, 2012 (UTC)