Talk:The Question

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The initial thought in the article is correct. The question must never be answered. But what is the question? It is hidden in plain sight, meaning that it is an obvious question. It is also a question that if answered would destroy the very fabric of time and space. It is therefore very dangerous. Only Time Lords can answer it because they can go to anywhere and to any time. The Doctor is the last of the the Time Lords. That is why "The Silence" wish to keep it a secret and will stop at anything to keep someone from answering the question, even if it means killing the Doctor. They consider themselves the good guys but they are extremists and as such also pose a danger to the universe.

What is the question that is hidden in plain sight? It is definitely not "What is the Doctor's name." It is an age old question, and the answer in the wrong hands could destroy the universe. That is why no one being, not even a Time Lord must ever reveal the answer to the question.

This is a brilliant strategy by the author to include such an intriguing cliffhanger. I would have also included it in one of my stories had I been able to do so. The question could apply to any story. What is the fundamental age old question that must not be answered?


The Z Books talk to me 11:43, October 3, 2011 (UTC)The Z Books

I think that the "who" relates to who he is - why he is special, what he is really running from (Just the memory of the vortex? Even though he saw it as a child and then stayed in the academy for hundreds of years?), why he of all Time Lords won the Time War by killing everyone, etc. They always hint that there's a side of him that nobody knows - so that side would be the answer. AilaG talk to me 04:10, March 16, 2012 (UTC)

Running from the Answer

According to Dorium, the Doctor had been running away from answering "Doctor Who?" his entire life (or lives, counting incarnations). However, it seems when his Eleventh life fizzles out, the Question will be asked and we will finaly learn what he is called. ( to me 22:50, January 10, 2012 (UTC))

What he's called IS The Doctor, plus WHO he is might not be his name, it might be though, it might just be the dark past that he has been hinted from time to time to have. After all like William Shakesphere said, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. GrimmShadows talk to me 03:23, January 27, 2012 (UTC)
It's not necessarily his 11th life. The Doctor lies, Moffat more so. I think it might be the autumn of 2011. You can't even be sure he's the 11th, because AFAIK we can't be sure he didn't regenerate before Hartnell or between McGann and Eccleston (that's why I refer to them by actor name and not by number). Plus, you can say that Tennant sort of regenerated into himself in Journey's End, so Matt Smith is #12.
Is the answer his name? I don't think so. If it is, then his name must contain so much more. Any answer that's just a word, a sequence of letters, wouldn't be so critical to deserve that level of importance. Even a meaningful word like "Darklordofall" or "Fourthdimension" or "Barack Obama" as his name wouldn't be something so gravely important and dangerous.
Will his life fizzle out? You never know. Not with the DW gang. They use the same verb, fall, for him and for the Silence. Would they take his place? Would they all physically fall? Or maybe fall to their knees? As they say, when you assume you make an "ass" out of "u" and "Moffat".
I think we'll never know. I can't think of an answer satisfying enough for the question. Much like how I want River to live on but I know that if she does her story won't be so wonderfully tragic anymore, I want to know the Doctor's name but if I do his story won't be so enchantingly mysterious anymore.
Therefore, I think he will arrive at the fields of Trenzalore, which must be anagram for something though I haven't found any satisfying answers for that ("a soldier left frozen"?). And the question will be asked, no idea by whom, perhaps we haven't met them yet. I think it will be on the 50th anniversary. Who knows, maybe 7 incarnations will be there. And he will answer. BUT the prophecy does not indicate how audible the answer must be.
He will answer. In a whisper. Into River's ear. There's only one time he could tell her, and that's it.
And I'm overthinking it. AilaG talk to me 04:10, March 16, 2012 (UTC)
I'm inclined to think it is more literal—that it will be at the end of the 11th Doctor's run and that it will be his name (though, we might not hear his name, as it might simply be whispered to River). But, why might his name be important? One, it could implicate something along the lines of the Cartmel Masterplan, that the Doctor is far more important to Time Lord society than people realize (without actually following the specifics of Cartmel's plan). Alternatively, his name might be important for other reasons. He might have, for instance, used his name as the key to the time-lock ending the Last Great Time War, with it only opening if he spoke his own name. I suppose a third possibility is that the question lacked a comma, and should be "Doctor, who?", in which case we don't know the real question until we hear the longer question leading up to it. (I'm inclined against this, though, because the Doctor seemed to understand the implications of the question when he first heard it.) -- to me 15:40, June 17, 2012 (UTC)
Hope I don't sound too stupid, but is the question actually "Doctor who?" or "Doctor, Who?" 01:33, September 9, 2012 (UTC)
I dont think you people get it, it isnt about who he is, but why he is? What does being The Doctor mean? And why must he be The Doctor? ralok 01:23, December 12, 2012 (UTC)


Given that the "Doctor Who?" question is now something with in-universe significance, shouldn't The "Doctor Who?" running joke be merged into The Question? (I would remove the ones that aren't literally "Doctor who?", though). to me 00:23, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

I'm inclined against, as the jokes (esp. the older ones) are usually not in reference to the Question. Cross links between the two articles make sense, though. -- to me 15:41, June 17, 2012 (UTC)
I agree. "The Question" is something that exists in the Doctor Who universe, while The "Doctor Who?" running joke is something that exists in the real world. The Question is also a riff on the running joke, but that doesn't mean that they're the same thing. —Josiah Rowe 16:43, January 31, 2013 (UTC)
Except they are. Basically, any mention of the question "Doctor Who?" is any media in the DWU is an apperance of The Question. Every instance of the word "Doctor Who" in the program should be mentioned on this page. OS25 (talk to me, baby.) 17:08, January 31, 2013 (UTC)

Basically anything on that page should be on this page. So by definition they should be merged. That's basically all we need to rationalize a merge. OS25 (talk to me, baby.)

Really? You think that, for example, when Lady Cranleigh asks "Doctor who?" in Black Orchid, she's asking The Question That Must Never Be Answered? To me that suggests a far too literal reading of what "The Question" is. Yes, the question is "Doctor who?", but not every incidence of "Doctor who?" seems to me to point towards the religious beliefs of the Silence. —Josiah Rowe 23:32, January 31, 2013 (UTC)
No, but never the less the question of "Doctor Who?" is the Question. So anyone asking "Doctor Who?" is, in fact, although perhaps on accident, asking "The Question". So basically, Yes, the question is Doctor who?, and so every instance of Doctor who? is the Question. OS25 (talk to me, baby.) 00:12, February 1, 2013 (UTC)
Well, for what it's worth people didn't seem to think so the last time this came up. I think that context matters here: when "Doctor who?" is asked in the context of the religious beliefs of the Silence, it's "the Question", but when it's asked in other contexts it isn't, necessarily. Saying that every time "Doctor who?" is asked it's invoking the Question is a bit like saying that every time someone mentions an eagle they're talking about the comic book. —Josiah Rowe 03:08, February 1, 2013 (UTC)