Everyone has a right to their beliefs and opinions. However, when those beliefs and opinions become a detriment to other people's pursuit of happiness, that's when retaliation and anger is necessary. Discrimination against the LGBT community (a minority group) is, by definition, equal to discrimination against an African-America, or any other racial group. Discrimination as such is, as I'm sure you all know against the will of the Constitution. Although I hate America, and I disprove of it's customs and past practices, those who discriminate typically don't. Am I saying that this hatred towards non-heterosexuals is solely in America? Well, yes, I suppose I am. England recently passed their gay marriage law, and damn near every country out there who doesn't have a feasible reason (e.g. a crude religious leader, a dictator, etc.) not to legalize it has. This perception of hate lies almost solely within a country that expresses total freedom, so long as it does not destroy the rights of others. Those rights are, as you very well know, the right to life, liberty, property, AND (as is per obvious) the pursuit of happiness. Sure, if it makes you happy to shoot up a movie theater or an elementary school, it doesn't mean you're allowed to do it, as it violates those rights. Have anti-LGBT activists taken lives, restricted freedom, stolen property, and impeded the happiness of a mass of people? Yes. Indirectly they've taken lives because of suicide and also plain old murder. The restriction of freedom is obvious. Stolen property? Hell yeah! As far as I'm concerned, those who detest LGBT marriage have violated all of these rights and more.
You might be thinking (on the topic of America) of the concept of free speech. Too bad. Because there's a VERY fine line between free speech and hate speech. And hate speech is practically illegal. You hear about it all the time - the Westboro Baptist Church, the Salvation Army (bet you didn't know that one). People. Destroy. The. Rights. Of. Others. It's a constant thing. Everything I'm saying could be perceived as hate speech, and so could everything the opposition says. However, it's the grand mass of people who win over in the end. Using that as a segue to get back to the topic, the mass of people approve of gay marriage (or as I like to call it, marriage). Look at the celebrities and other people who REFUSE to be wed until everyone can. It's an uprising on the verge, King George III all over again. As you well know, people, when oppressed, retaliate in the most instinctive way possible; they fight. There is no doubt in my mind that a battle - verbal or otherwise - will break, and has broken out.
One more thing before I finish; you can NOT use the Bible as an excuse for hate. People only follow God where it's convenient or when they can't defend themselves in any other way. Sure, you can claim that God forbids a lot of thing. He also forbids eating seafood and wearing mixed fabrics. Do I see you being careful to buy all-cotton clothes? No. Do I see you not eating shrimp for any reason other than allergies or simply not liking it? No. No, I don't. Every one of you "Christians" breaks the laws that you so revere every day by way of hate and spite. In that, you are doubly wretched; for spite and lying outright to yourself about it.
All in all, as should be painfully obvious, I approve of human equality and marriage rights, I will fight for those rights in any way I can, and I'll be damned if it doesn't happen in my lifetime. The people have spoken out for the last time, and the way I see it, it's going to cause problems if their voices aren't heard.