Energy weapon

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Energy Weapon

The Energy weapon was a large peice of technology scavenged from a Jathaa sunglider. The Torchwood institute adapted it as a defensive weapon and used it to shoot the Sycorax down. The weapon resembled the Death star planet-killer from star wars and was fired from four strategic pointd before forming one huge blast in the centre of the four. The beam could travel great distances and succesfully blew up a whole command ship even after it had left Earhs atmosphere. After Torchwoods destruction the weapon seemingly came into posession of UNIT. They built it into their aircraft carrier the Valiant. It is unknown if the weapon was installed after Harry Saxons time or if he incorporated it into the design himself. The weapon was used then to fight the Sontarans in the Atmos Factory. It is presumed that the weapon was destroyed along with the Valiant when the New Dalek Empire swarmed around it and blasted it apart with their guns.