Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen

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Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen was a member of the criminal Raxacoricofallapatorian Slitheen family who took the skin of the Human MI5 member Margaret Blaine when her family attempted to trigger a nuclear war on Earth, in order to devastate the planet and sell the radioactive remains as starship fuel. (DW: World War Three)

Blon escaped the destruction of 10 Downing Street by using an emergency teleport which only carried one so she was unable to save anyone else in her family. The teleport ended her up on the Isle of Dogs and she later became mayor of Cardiff, beginning the Blaidd Drwg nuclear power plant project above the Cardiff rift to destroy Earth, not to sell as fuel, but with the purpose of using a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator to "surf" into space.

In the process of attempting this she forced open a panel of the TARDIS and gazed into the Heart of the TARDIS and was regressed backwards along her timeline to the form of an egg, the Doctor returned her to her home planet to be placed with another family. (DW: Boom Town, Bad Wolf)


  • Margret:"Obviously Mr cleaver your the expert seems i have no choice" (a loud disgusting rumble comes up in her belly)
  • "Oh do excuse me civic duties leave little time for a sandwich".
  • Margret Blaine:"slipped on a icy patch"
  • Cathy Salt:"He was decapitated"
  • Margret Blaine:"It was a very icy patch"
  • Margret Explaining Mr cleavers death
  • (Margret and Cathy get out of the room)
  • (Margret has a large Loud Smelly rumble in her belly Cathy is clearly disgusted)
  • Margret:"OOOHHH! my little tummys complaining i think we might have to take a detour to the ladies".
  • Cathy:(Afraid if she goes to the toilet with her she will have to hear and smell another disgusting fart)"i'll wait here".
  • (Margret goes into the toilet and closes the door as soon as she goes in she immediately PooS in the toilet)
  • Cathy:(as she feared hears the Smelly fart) "Sounds like we got here just in time"