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Until the last episode, we knew this place as "fields of Trenzalore", as reported in the prophecy that is not properly quoted in the page yet. We should add this piece of information, but: how? Do the fields stand for the graveyard? --HarveyWallbanger ☎ 09:52, May 19, 2013 (UTC)
The Doctor's Death
Its an alternate timeline. It was stated that his survival was a change in time.--WarGrowlmon18 ☎ 00:33, December 27, 2013 (UTC)
Is it a alternitive timeline or just the future something's were never explained like the why was he called valeyard where was Christmas and the tardis was no where near the eleventh when he died the skirmish not war no daleks or cybermen bodys COuld the doctor die at Trenzalour Question be asked coud the valeyard be involved