Doctor Who Wiki
Welcome to the TARDIS Index File, a Doctor Who Wiki that anyone can edit.
We cover the spin-off series, too!
The TARDIS Index File is a collaborative project to create the most definitive, accurate, and accessible
encyclopedia and reference database for everything related to Doctor Who.
In this wiki, started on 16 February, 2005, we are currently working on 114,824 articles.
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Spotlight Article
Mr Smith was a super-computer (of sorts) owned by Sarah Jane Smith. The computer was located in the attic of Sarah Jane's house at 13 Bannerman Road.
The computer known as Mr Smith housed a sentient and highly intelligent crystal known as a Xylok. In the distant past a Xylok ship crashed into the Earth, trapping the Xyloks in the crust of the planet. When the volcano Krakatoa erupted, one crystal escaped.
Decades later, Sarah Jane Smith retrieved the living crystal, Sarah Jane took in her home on 13 Bannerman Road and found it was able to communicate with her via her laptop computer. It built itself a body out of machines. This way, the crystal informed her as to how to build the computer which would house the living crystal.
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