The Eighth Doctor Adventures was an audio series produced by Big Finish Productions beginning in 2006. It starred the Eighth Doctor, played by Paul McGann, Lucie Miller, played by Sheridan Smith and Tamsin Drew, played by Niky Wardley.
The series was originally marketed as "The New Eighth Doctor Adventures", but Big Finish Productions had largely dropped the word "New" by the series' fourth and final series. They differed substantially in price and format from Big Finish's monthly line. On the Big Finish podcast, these stories were sometimes informally called "the eighth Doctor and Lucie adventures".
The series first debuted on BBC Radio 7 with the first part of Blood of the Daleks on December 31st 2006. Each episode of the first season was broadcast alongside a 10 minute making of entitled Beyond the Vortex. However, the second, third and fourth series debuted on CD prior to their radio broadcasts, carrying over to Radio 7's rebranded successor, BBC Radio 4 Extra.
For the third series, Big Finish introduced a unique release method. The series format changed to a series of 16 25 minute episodes as opposed to 50 minute episodes. In absence of a 2009 TV series, a new episode was released as a download every Saturday evening on a weekly basis, and subscribers would be able to receive the physical CD upon release. However, this release method did not carry over to the fourth season. In the case of the third season, its radio broadcast was heavily condensed and only stories which did not feature returning monsters (Orbis, The Beast of Orlok, The Scapegoat and The Cannibalists) were presented in edited forms.
The series is notable for driving the Eighth Doctor towards the darker personality as seen in the following audio series, Dark Eyes. Additionally, it introduced a third variation on the Eighth Doctor's theme tune composed by Nicholas Briggs, although the David Arnold arrangement was used in during the first series.
Series 1
- Main article: Series 1 (8DA)
Series 2
- Main article: Series 2 (8DA)
Series 3
- Main article: Series 3 (8DA)
Series 4
- Main article: Series 4 (8DA)
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Title |
Author |
Featuring |
Death in Blackpool
Alan Barnes
Lucie, Pat, Zygons
December 2009
Situation Vacant
Eddie Robson
July 2010
Alan Barnes
August 2010
The Book of Kells
Barnaby Edwards
Tamsin, the Monk, Lucie
September 2010
Jonathan Morris
Tamsin, Ice Warriors
October 2010
The Resurrection of Mars
Tamsin, Lucie, Ice Warriors, the Monk
November 2010
Relative Dimensions
Marc Platt
Susan, Alex, Lucie
December 2010
Prisoner of the Sun
Eddie Robson
January 2011
Lucie Miller
Nicholas Briggs
Daleks, Lucie, Susan, Alex, the Monk, Tamsin
February 2011
To the Death
March 2011
- The first season aired on BBC7 as BBC Radio dramas before their release on CD.
External links
Big Finish Eighth Doctor Adventures |
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Standalone sets (Liv and Helen) |
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Standalone sets (Audacity and Charley) |
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