Blathereen family

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"We are the Blathereen"

The Blathereen to Sarah Jane Smith in The Gift

The Blathereen were a family of criminal Raxacoricofallapatorians. They were in competition with the Slitheen family, and had gained an advantage by 2500. Unlike their green coloured rivals, the Blathereen are orange.


21st century

The Blathereen were once a major family on Raxacoricofallapatorius, until the rise of Slitheen. Followed the Slitheen's deposing, the Blathereen began to hunt them down. (SJA: Revenge of the Slitheen, The Gift)

In 2010, two Blathereen acting/posing as bounty hunters captured two Slitheen on Earth. They made an offering of Rack Weed to Sarah Jane Smith, claiming it would solve world hunger, as an alleged reparation for the Slitheen's activity. However, the plant swiftly mutated and began aggressively growing across London, sending people into comas. (SJA: The Gift)

25th century

In 2501, they had been trying to create a massive warp-hole to move the entire Justicia system. The plan was to warp Justicia into other solar systems. With the compression technology used in their disguises, they planned to use Justicia's sun as a massive flamethrower. They would destroy planets and use the remains as nuclear fuel (using a similar plan as the Slitheen family used in 2006, but on a larger scale). The prisoners already in Justicia would be used to process the fuel.

The Blathereen were controlled by Don Arco, an obese Raxacoricofallapatorian. There were enough Blathereen to replace most of the government of Justicia. Other named Blathereen included Ermenshrew (who disguised as Consul Issabel) and Clem Fel-Hetch. (NSA: The Monsters Inside)

Behind the Scenes


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